The Shopping Speedrun

33 4 1

<< Noone's POV>>

Erin is rushing to the store, but oh shit she forgor her wallet :skull:

She came back to the dorm where Quack and Ace were arguing about

Quack: No pineapple on pizza is retarded! Its heresy to the Italian culture! 

Ace: No it isnt! It should be on every pizza!

Erin: No  no no, you both are retarded. Pineapple on pizza is kind of alright but only on the right pizza, like pineapple is ok on Hawaiian pizza, but on meat lovers pizza, nada.

Quack: Im about to shank you mate

Erin: Oshi u really sure?

Quack: Ye what you gonna do about it? Run away?

Erin: That is what im gonna do! 

Erin runs away, with her wallet now. 

Erin: Oh Looooooooooord i have pissed off Quack, Im probably gonna die soon.

Ran for so long that her watch counted 10K steps within 2 hours. (world record idk lmao)

She then encounters James, but he is wearing airpods.


James doesnt respond.

Erin: Oh no he has airpods on.. Oh well

Erin continues her Journey to the store so that she could buy a gift for Achilles

Erin: Alright what the birthday boy gonna get...

Erin then finds a really good Jacket, Cheap too also made in the UK

Erin: I do not believe this... this has gotta be fate holy moly.

Erin: Hmm, weird that i didn't see Achilles anywhere. 

Erin then buys the jacket, and got it wrapped in a nice little package.

Erin: This should do. *checks wallet* Oh no im going broke.

Ah, I forgot to mention, Erin is also going broke.

Erin then runs around and while at it meets James again... But he is still wearing airpods

Erin: Oi ya dumbass 

James: Ayo stfu

Erin: Ok

Erin then runs straight back to the dorm, forgetting that Quack might shank her.

Quack: No, Rice is a MAIN COURSE, none of that side dish bs.

Ace: Like hell i will bow down to that rice IS A SIDE DISH MF DO YOU UNDERSTAND MATE.

Erin: Ayo you two stfu

Quack & Ace: Ok

Erin: Good, anyways yall got your gifts?

Quack: I got my friendship to share

Erin: Oh stfu

Quack: You know im kidding, anyways i got him a cool GPU

Erin: How did you get that??? 


Erin: You are one lucky man

Quack: Yeah i know

Ace: Got him some new shoes

Erin: How are you getting all of these???

Ace: I wont tell

Erin: Alright then, keep your secrets

James: Hows it goin lads?

Erin: stfu

James: Ok

Erin: so, we all ready?

James: Yeah, idk about the girls though. 

Erin: Ah they will be fine, they are the best of the best after all.

Ace: Yah your right, Pekoe best th-

James: No.

Ace: Alright alright chill

James: Anyways, lets go

The gang: ALrrrrrrrrr

The lads went on a confusing journey going through streets, meeting some friends. Getting lost a lot, they got lost a LOT. But they made it in time. 

Next chapter perhaps? Not quite sure.


Have you ever got your wifi stolen by that karen neighbour?

Have you been ddosed over a Hearts of Iron 4 game?

Well i have the thing for you

This chapter is sponsored by NordVp-

UGXXX: No, we aint sponsored by them

Narrator: Wdym?

UGXXX: The email came from a scammer.

Narrator: Aww...

UGXXX: But, This chapter is sponsored by Rai-


UGXXX's sister: No. No raid shadow legends.

Anyways thats the end of the chapter! Dam my brain hurts writing this at 2 AM

But still im goin through, got nothing to do anyways.

anyways, here is the mandatory song i gotta give yall, 

Anyways, Have a great day lads. Cheers.

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