Sander Sides Oc

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Name: Cora(On The Left)
Gender: Female
Represents: Love
Likes: People, friends, board games, animals, sour and sweat things and romance movies/books/shows.
Hates: the dark, blood, scary movies.
Personality: Passionate, lovey, clingy, and respectful.
Friends: Roman, Patton, Logan, Virgil, and any other OC
Enemy: Ruth, Evil Creativity.

Name: Ruth (On the Right)
Gender: feminine they/them
Represents: Hate
Likes: Blood, violence, games, horror movies, and making fun of people.
Hates: pink, people, romance of any kind, any cute things, and nice people.
Personality:  Mean, a bitch, bully like, violent.
Friends: any dark side
Enemy: Cora, Roman, Patton, and Logan.

Friends: any dark sideEnemy: Cora, Roman, Patton, and Logan

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