Gourmet Hound OC

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Hello my lovely guys gals and non-binary pals! This is an OC from Gourmet Hound the comic from webtoon. It's a really good comic I definitely recommend it. I drew them all so no stealing okay? Thank you bye!!

Name: Mia Jambalaya
Age: 26
Sexuality: Abrosexual
Pronouns: She/They but perfers They/them
Profession: Line cook, and pastry Chef

~Little bit about them~

They went to school for pastry and colonary. She wanted to be a pastry chef one day. But she got a job as a line cook at Dimanche with Graham, Brie, Olive, Heath, Charlotte, Palmer, and Chef Bartlett and the rest of the Dimanche chefs. But one day she was caught in the cross hairs of the anger in the Kitchen of the restorant. And on that faithful day, someone tripped, people tried to warn her but she had earbuds in. Due to the fact that her sense of hearing is more sensitive than the average person. She wore earbuds to block out some of the sounds. She was hit by a pot of boiling soup, the soup spilled all down the side of her causing massive 3rd degree burns all down her side. She is lucky to be alive. At the time of Lucy's search for the chefs she left 6-8 months prior. She had opened a little shop of trinkets you can buy or sell there or donate. See bakes and sells some of her pastries. But she has not talked to any of the chefs from Dimanche, since they left and a few have tried to talk to her to see if she needed help or if she was okay. But she blocked them out. Only Chef Bartlett knows where she is, and she wants it to stay that way. She is a kind hearted person and loves to help people. But she has very bad trust issues, so when Lucy came knocking at her door. She tried to turn her away but gave in to help with her search.

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