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We hopped onto our bikes. Gabriel got on one side of Alex and Dariush on the other. They both grabbed onto one of his shoulders as we all started to peddle off down the road. It was so sweet that Gabriel was willing to help Alex.

"I won't let you fall," Gabriel reassured Alex.

"I-," Alex began but Gabriel cut him off."

"You got this. Put your feet on the pedal. The key is to get moving. The faster you go, the easier it is to stay balanced."

"Are you sure about this?" Alex asked worriedly.


All three of them started pedaling, Gabriel and Daruish gripping Alex's shoulders tightly to make sure that he wouldn't fall over.

"Good, you're good," Gabriel reassured him once more, "Now, just keep doing that."

Gabriel and Daruish slowly started to let go of Alex's shoulders and fall behind him a bit.

"I don't... I don't know if I can do this." Alex said.

"Alex your already doing it!" Someone said between all of us cheering

Alex was beaming with pride and smiling ear to ear. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God, you guys. I'm doing it! Whoo-hoo! Whoo! Yeah!" he screamed riding faster than the rest of us and straight toward a curve in the road. I began to worry. Would he figure out how to turn? He'd have to right? He's not an idiot.

"This is so much fun, you..." I slowed down on my bike and came to a stop. Alex, in all of his excitement, hadn't been watching where he was going and had bike right over a rather large rock in the middle of his sentence.

He pitched forward on his bike and fell off. We all hopped off of our bikes, dropping them to the ground, and ran towards Alex. He must have hit his head when he fell off of his bike because when we reached him he was passed out with a little bit of blood trickling down his forehead.

Dariush reached him first "Oh!' he exclaimed and looked away paling in the face just a little. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Alex," Zhenzhen says shaking him, "Are you okay?"

"Yo, is he dead?" Dariush asks turning back around after taking a few deep breaths.

"Alex? You okay?" Gabriel asked as Alex started to sit up. As he sits up he turns his back to us and stares off of the cliff towards Los Angeles. Nobody followed his eyeline at first because we were still focused on him.

"Yo, you good?"

"Yeah, are you okay Alex?" I asked gently grabbing his shoulder.

"You okay," Zhenzhen asked once more.

Alex continued staring at the city, silently, as a distant explosions boom. We finally realized what had held his focus so much that he rode over a rock and then ignore us when we were asking if he was okay. We were shocked. The city was in ruins, explosions booming, and fire licking every building. All we could do was mumble our surprise as gunfire rang out loudly.

"Holy sh..."
"Yeah, like holy..."

"Is that where we're going?" Dariush asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Yes, but only the outer parts of the city," I said mapping the path in my head, "If we're sticking to main roads and highways that is. Right now we're on highway 18. If we stick to highway 18 we'll meet up with highway 210, which eventually becomes interstate 210, which leads almost directly to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and in turn doctor Fielding."

All four of them turned and looked at me like I'd just said the sky was falling.


"You a human map or something?" Alex asked.

"No, I just looked at the map on the wall of the mess hall before we left to figure out how to get to Pasadena," I scowled mumbling idiots under my breath. The boys all glanced away from me while Zhenzhen grinned. I walked back to my bike and hopped on with everyone following my lead.

Note: Hey slayers. I finally updated sorry its been.... *checks watch and squints* 2 years..... oops! Lol well here is my sacrifice and I'll try to update more. 

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