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I stood still, holding my breath hoping they wouldn't be like the gang in Scooby-Doo and investigate further, like always though luck wasn't on my side. It was quiet for another minute or two, then I heard Richy shout. "Hey, it's Farmgirl."

I whipped around to find him standing several feet in front of me.

I shrunk back into the tree. My eyes frantically looking for an escape. I saw the path to the parking lot and bolted.

Just as was about to step foot on the pavement I was tackled from the side.

My vision was momentarily black. Then I could see who tackled me, Mountain Boy. I looked away and tried to get out of his grasp but to no avail.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I shouted.

"Sorry." He said standing up and brushing off his shirt.
I scrambled to my feet and shrunk back into the tree line.

"We won't hurt you," Red stated.

I just kept looking down. Studying the small rocks and little bits of moss here and there.

"Hey look her bag."

My head shot up to see who held it. Unfortunately for me, it was Richy.

I ran towards him. As he started opening it up. I got to him and reached to grab it. I yanked it out of his hands, spilling its contents on the floor.

I tossed the bag aside and went to pick up my bear before they saw it.

"Is that a....teddy bear?" Alex asked.

Crap. I froze. Richy started to laugh at me.

"Jesus Farmgirl are you two or something," Richy asked still laughing.

I quickly scooped up the bear and held it in my arm.

"No, I'm fourteen."

"Yeah sure tell that to the bear you're carrying around," Richy stated, talking to me in a baby voice.

"Just stop please." I pleaded.

"What is the baby going to cry?"He laughed once more.

"Hey, she asked you to stop, so back off okay!" Mountain Boy said his voice raising like he did on the hill when he helped Alex.

I was relieved when Richy listened to Mountain Boy, although also annoyed that he felt the need to keep saving me. 

All at once planes were flying around and shooting at other planes.

Everyone else walked down towards the lake and were discussing the planes and what they were.

I had bent down to pick up my bag. I collected my things and put them back in the bag. Before I put my bear in I checked his outfit.

Making sure it was still clean and all on him.

Just as I closed my bag my arm was pulled and I was yanked off of the ground. Someone was pulling me by the arm down towards the road.

I quickly pulled my arm out of their grasp, backing away.

I looked at who it was. Mountain Boy again.

We were on our way back to camp.

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