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After I unpacked I went down to the zip-line. The redhead from earlier was in front of me. He got to the front of the line and waited for Conrad to stop making out with his chick of the day.

Eventually, he had to clear his throat. Conrad looked down at him, annoyed. He hooked him up to the safety rope and went back to making out.

I was at the front now. It had only been a few minutes when Red came down the ladder. He tried to unhook himself but Conrad stopped him

"So your this year's chickenshit huh?"

The kid ran away looking almost as red as a tomato and like he was about to cry. I walked to the front and Conrad hooked me up. I climbed up the ladder.

When I got to the platform I heard some kid try this pickup line on the girl from the check-in line and chuckled at how lame it was.

I got to the top just as Braids went. I glanced at everyone, looking them up and down. There was Logan, a rich looking kid, and another man, who was probably there to make sure the zip-line was safe. Richy was having a conversation with Logan.

I just stood back and listened. They were having a boring conversation about Richy's lame pickup lines that would never in a million years work.

When it was my turn to go I stepped to the edge. Logan hooked me to the line. I looked down over the edge my heart beating a mile a minute.

You see I have a fear of almost everything. I like to act tough and pretend I don't though. That way I don't get walked over like a welcome mat. I'm usually very good at pretending until I get to the thing I fear.

Then I start to panic.

I took a deep breath.

"Hey, you okay River?" Logan asked.

"Yeah fine."

I looked back up and stepped off the edge. The zip-line caught me and I was flying through the air.

Ever since I was little I've wanted to fly and here I am flying through the trees. I reach out and a branch hits my hand, leaving a stinging feeling.

"Okay, not my smartest idea." I giggled to myself.

I was flying for another two minutes, the trees passing in a blur, then I was back on a platform getting unhooked.

After I climbed down off of the platform I stumbled my way back to my cabin, like a drunk man on stilts. Eventually, I got my footing back. I opened the door to my cabin and plopped on my bed. I kicked my shoes off and stared at the bunk above me.

My eyelids got heavy and started to close. I tried to keep them open but I just couldn't. I finally fell asleep, besides a short nap after a busy afternoon couldn't hurt.

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