you look just like her...

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Alya wore the same uniform as shinobu and her hair was in either a low ponytail or a bride (Mostly bride) half of the kotama (I think that is what is't called) that giyuu were's was hers. 

Giyuu knocked on kagaya door (he's not blind) "Come in" kagaya said. Giyuu walked in and said "s-sensei I heard you new my parents I was hoping you could tell me about them." "of course"

Kagaya  pov 

He would look just like Alya if he smiled more. "Well you look just like her" he eyes sparkled "I do"  "she was always willing to give her live for a dyeing demon kind of like you with nezuko." I said with a smile. "I don't like to talk about your father. Alya always said her son would have her last name she never let a man control her life." I could tell giyuu thought Tomioka was his fathers last name. "a-anything more you could tell me." I wasn't going to be the one to tell a 18 year old boy (I know he's not 18) were his mother was now. " not of the top of my head but you mother and Shinjuro would get into all kind of trouble before you were born." "Rengoku's dad? ok thank you sensei" he said as he walked out. Sorry Shinjuro but I am not going to tell him.

Shinjuro pov 

Is that Kyojuro and the water piller? Yep that's them I will never get use to the idea that the emotionless water piller is the son of Alya. I walked outside "Hello son, and water piller" hello father." " hello Mr. Rengoku I was hoping to ask you a question" Giyuu said with a bow. "ask away." I said allowing the boys inside Kyojuro sat on the couch and Giyuu sat next to him. "sensei said you and my mom were close I was hoping you could tell me about her." I sighed of course kagaya wasn't going to tell him. "I remember one time on April fools your mother and I put a paint bucket above the door but Sensei was the one who open the door." "HAHAHAHA" omg Kyojuro. The water piller giggled he thought it was funny but wanted to hide it. I looked at Kyojuro to my shook he was blushing did he like the water piller.  "Maybe you can ask Kanae she and your mother were like sisters to the point were your mother thought about making her your godmother." I said as they left. 

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