Day 1: The Demon Lord

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October 23, Friday

The road was wet and puddles of water were seen due to the sudden rain that came a few minutes ago. The trees are dripping droplets of water that came from the rain. And the temperature has gotten colder since it rained but also it was already dusk.

As the clock strikes 6 o'clock, the streetlights turned on, illuminating the streets. Each house found on the street has turned on lights inside the rooms, giving a bright light that can be seen from its windows.

Adults and children have gone back to their homes to rest for the night and wait for the next day to come.

A certain high school student is currently walking home from school. Her blonde hair was tied in a one-sided ponytail with a blue ribbon and her sweater was slightly damp from the rain. Her school bag comfortably hanged on her right shoulder and her left hand holds onto her pink umbrella which is dripping wet since she used it to protect her from being wet from the rain.

She happily hummed and skipped on the sidewalk for she was excited for her 9-day vacation which every student wishes to have. Her vacation will start on the 24th of October, which is tomorrow, and will end on the 1st of November.

She stopped in front of a temple which she always pass by on her way home. "Stopping by for a prayer is a good idea" she thought and smiled at the idea as she climbed a 10-step staircase. The staircase and the temple was illuminated by lanterns which are hanging on the tree branches.

There was no sight of people at the temple since its already night. "Lucky!" she thought as she threw a 100 J coin at the temple and did the traditional way of praying by clapping her hands twice and rings the bell by pulling the rope thrice. She is not used to being surrounded by people when praying so no wonder she thought that she was lucky.

"Kami-sama, I hope that I will have a fun vacation" the blonde girl prayed and decided to head home. She looked at the clear night sky and smiled when she saw the stars. Not looking at her path, she tripped on something she did not know which caused her to fall on her knees and making her stockings wet and covered with mud since the ground is still wet from the rain. Thankfully, she was able to stop from falling completely by using her hand but made her earn a dirty hand, however, its better than being covered with dirt on her body.

She looked at what she just tripped into and was shocked at what she saw. It was a young man, around her age, was lying unconscious on the ground. She was fuming in anger and was about to scold the unconscious man but her anger was washed away with panic when she touched the man's arms. It was surprisingly cold.

"H-hey are you okay?" She asked worriedly as she shook the man awake. But to no avail, she did not receive any response. "What should I do, I don't sense his warmth. Is he dead?" the girl panicked when the word 'dead' crossed her mind. But she sighed in relief when she heard and saw the man breathing heavily.

Calling an ambulance will take hours because of heavy traffic in the City so she have no choice but to bring the unconscious man to her place. And besides, her trauma will attack her if she ever step foot inside the hospital, or ride an ambulance, or even see them before her eyes.

She put the man's arms around her neck and made the man's head rest on her shoulder. She carried the unknown man at her back but due to his height and weight, and to her school bag she was carrying, she was basically dragging him. She was shock and extremely having a hard time carrying him but at the same time, she was glad that her home is just 2 blocks away from the temple.

While carrying the man to her home, she wondered how the man was there lying on the ground. She was sure that before she gives her prayer, the only person in the temple was her. So how was he there? She also noticed that the man's back was slightly damp, meaning that he was not lying on the ground for too long. Her mind was flooded with questions until she realized that she has arrived to her home.

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