Day 3: Unexpected Visitors

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October 25, Sunday

Despite of her lack of sleep, Lucy woke up early in the morning, an hour before her alarm. She decided to switch back to her former bedroom which is found upstairs since her amnesia was already healed.

Tying her blonde hair in a messy bun, she carefully carried her belongings to avoid creating a noise which would wake up the Demon who is currently sleeping peacefully on her couch in the living room. It took her half an hour as she fully brought her things back to her bedroom. With the remaining minutes before the clock set at 7o'clock in the morning, she cleaned the whole second floor. She also re-arranged the furnitures in each room, except for the library of course.

The blonde dusted her hands and sighed as she proudly looked at her work. She decided to take a bath as her reward at her effort. She happily entered her bathroom and reminisced her childhood past.

Once again, Lucy sighed as she remembered her unexpected visitor. She was grateful that he healed her from her amnesia, but the fact that he is a Demon is something hard to believe in.

She gulped as she remembered the pinkette's face when she mocked his words. "He already showed a proof to me.." she mumbled to herself as she tries to remember the Demon Lord destroying her living room and then restoring it back.

After taking a bath, Lucy went back downstairs and decided to make breakfast for both of them, but she stopped midway in front of Natsu who is sleeping peacefully on her couch and stared at him. "He looks cute when he's asleep. But he looks cuter when his red eyes are not visible" she thought and blushed at the idea when a memory about last night flashed in her mind.

Slapping her cheeks lightly to wake her up from adoring the sleeping Demon, she hurriedly went to the kitchen to prepair their breakfast. "Its already a day since I found him collapsed at the temple. And he seems perfectly fine" she thought as she placed their food on the dining table. "So when does he plan to stay here?" she asked to no one in particular.

Waking up from the heavenly aroma of food, the pink haired demon drowsily sat up on his bed, on the couch of course. He stood up and looked for where the smell is coming from.

The aroma led him to the dining room, and there he saw the treasure on the dining table. Natsu quickly sat on the chair and saw Blondie already making their morning tea in the kitchen. Since he grew up with manners, he intends to wait for the girl. But his hunger overcame his mind and had no choice but to start devouring the food.

Lucy almost lost her breath when she turned around to set the two cups of tea on the table. Her heart throbbed in pain at his sudden presence. She harshly settled the teacups on the table, almost spilling the tea.

The pinkette noticed her lousy mood and apologized, "Sorry, did I spooked you?" he smiled as he playfully scratched the back of his pink head. She was about to scold him but since he apologized, and because of that smile he wore which made her blush, she decided not to.

The blonde joined him and watched him eat his breakfast. She stared at him in awe as he finished his food in less than a minute. "Man, those pancakes were tasty" Natsu said as he starts drinking his tea.

Blondie's staring was soon replaced by a glare, making the pinkette look at her questioningly."So, when do you plan to leave?" she asked as she crossed her arms.

The Demon Lord stared back at her and drifted off in his thoughts. He have no more reason to stay because she has already given him what he wanted. "So she wants me to leave.." he thought. He can go back to Hell anytime he wants but the fact that the food that this human cooks is something he cannot find in his kingdom.

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