chapter one | the beginning

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"(Y/N), help me with your brother, he keeps tryin' to eat the squirrels!" Your mother, Slippery When Wet, asked you as you finished packing up the mason jars of food for the big trip.

What big trip, you ask? Well, your father, Jack Bauer, had accidentally set the family barn on fire. Your family, the Dikrats, were now more poor than ever. So in search for a new life, your family had made a plan to go down the Oregon Trail. 

For weeks your family had been packing what little you had left. Your father, Jack Bauer, had been loading the burlap sacks filled with clothes and "toiletries" into an old wagon, which you were sure would break before you had even arrived in Oregon. Your family would certainly have to purchase a new one. 

"Coming, mother!" You were 23 years old, and unfortunately not married yet. For some reason, no man in your town wanted to. They were all obsessed with Mouthface, your younger sister, who was just a teenager. 

Tittymitty, your grandfather, had tried setting you up with a few guys. However, due to his... age, he wasn't exactly keen on what you wanted in a man.

You wanted someone who's both responsible yet dangerous. Dark hair, not afraid to live on the wild side of life. The type of person that your mother would definitely not approve. She would want you to marry a baker, or even better, a banker.

Putting a small pouch of spending money in a hidden pocket of your apron, you made your way towards your younger brother. Holding your hand out, you gave your brother a stern yet understanding look.

"Craphole, spit it out." You commanded in a way that your mother would be proud of, pointing to your hand. 

Craphole nodded, spitting the squirrel into your hand. The furry creature jumped straight out, going back into the woods which it came from.

"Come on, let's get back to the wagon before mom realizes you lost a bandana again." You smiled, and he followed you back to the incredibly unsturdy wagon.

"Thank you, (Y/N), for dealing with that brother of yours." Slippery When Wet rolled her eyes, sitting in the front seat of the wagon along with your father. You helped your sister and brother in, before getting in the wagon yourself. You leaned against a burlap sack filled with your and your mother's clothes. 

Your father used a whip to smack the incredibly ill ox, sending it a signal to begin the journey to Independence.

"We stand before the journey that leads us all to Oregon!" Your overly enthusiastic father piped up. "A pioneer adventure down the trail:" He paused, waiting for an answer.

"To Oregon." You grumbled, your siblings being more enthusiatic.

"To Wisconsin-" Your grandfather muttered happily.

"By God's command, we dare to land in-" Your father begun

"In Wisconsin!" Tittymitty cut him off, rather cheerfully.

"Uh Grandpa, we're going to Oregon." Jack Bauer corrected.

"I wanna go to Wisconsin." The elder huffed, crossing his arms.

Mouthface scooched next to you, a bright smile on the teenager's face. 

"Hey, (Y/N)?" She asked, tapping you on the shoulder. You turned to face her.

"Yea?" You replied.

"Do you think I'm really gonna find love on this trail?" Your sister had a hopeful gleam in her eyes. That was her main goal, to find love and have her family be rich and safe. 

You wanted to say 'i doubt it.' but your mother would probably scold you for upsetting her precious little girl.

"Maybe. If it's all that important to you, I hope you do." You returned her smile with one of your own.

Hours passed, and you hit a bump in the road. Passing a sign, reading 'Welcome To Independance!!'

"Mom, I think something broke-" Craphole piped up, his innocent voice shining through.

"Don't be silly, the wagon is fine!" Jack Bauer said. Unfortunately, as soon as he said that... The wagon started falling apart. 

Luckily, all of your family's belongings which they had brought on the trip were still in tact, but the same could not be said for your wagon. Or your ox. 

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