chapter three | meeting mcdoon

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Curious, you had run off to explore the town before your family's departure on the trail. With your overbearing mother's permission, of course. 

Exhausted from various merchants trying to charm and trick you into buying their product, you sat down on the edge of a stone water fountain.

However, a tall dark haired male noticed you from across the plaza, and he was going to make his move. 

He walked over, one hand on his belt and his hat tilted downwards as if to gain some sort of swagger. "Well hello ma'am, I just noticed you from across this here plaza and I just had to let you know that you are mighty pretty, if I do say so myself. And I do... say so myself." He flirted, grinning as he stood next to you. 

You couldn't help but giggle slightly, he certainly had a charm to him. "And um, who do I have to thank for the compliment?" You asked, sticking out your hand for him to kiss politely, applying flirting techniques that Mouthface had taught you.

"Well, the names Henry McDoon. And I make the ladies-" He paused, to gently kiss your hand. "McSwoon."

You felt your face heating up a bit. You grinned, facing him.

"Now, may I ask your name, little lady?"

"You can call me (Y/N)" You rested one of your hands on your hips.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful gal." He smiled slyly.

"You are a poet, and I'm charmed." You unconsiously held the hand that he kissed. He circled you slowly, before talking.

"So, you're headed down the trail, right?" He asked. You nodded, turning to face him as he stopped next to you.

"Gotta be careful. A good-looking girl like yourself. Theres a lot of disreputable characters out there... like that mysterious outlaw, The Bandit King." He warned, in an almost flirty way. 

"Oh he sounds bad!" You grinned, giving him the satisfaction of a playful reaction. Unbeknownst to you, your mother, brother, and sister were nearby. Your mother was arguing with some merchant trying to take her wedding ring, your brother had a chicken in his mouth, and as for your sister?

She was watching the flirty exchange between you and McDoon with a proud smile on her face. Was this the day? The day that (Y/N) Dikrat finally got a boyfriend?

"I mean, no-one really knows who he is, but he's out there.." He paused to stand behind you. "Stealing kisses." He grinned whilst wrapping his arms around your waist. And you were alright with it. Because this guy... well, he was obviously suspicious, but something about him made your heart beat faster than it had before.

"And all sorts of other shit, too!" McDoon continued. "His only companion is the infamous Cleetus Jones." He removed one hand from your waist, pointing into the distance for dramatic effect before returning it to your waist. Mouthface was tempted to squeal in happiness for you, but didn't want to bring attention to your mother about all this.

"Thats my name!" A shorter male in a brown cowboy hat and a patterned poncho came in with a basket of supplies for... probably bandit stuff.

Embarrassed and concerned, McDoon instantly shushed him.

"McDoon, don't you shush me! Not after I got all of your supplies: ether, firearms, bandit masks-" Cleetus began.

"Shut, shut, shut your mouth Cleetus." McDoon removed himself from you, walking over to Cleetus to shush him once more.

"Ahem, gentlemen, I suppose I should get going. I'm really not supposed to be talking to strangers." You said, attempting to excuse yourself.

"Well, perhaps you should live more... dangerously." McDoon walked back over to you again, his arms around your waist as he planted a kiss on your cheek that gave you butterflies.

Mouthface squealed. Uh oh.

"Mouthface what in God's name are you-" Slippery When Wet began, before looking upon you and some strange man. "Oh hell no."

She marched over to the two of you, and you pulled away from McDoon's embrace.

"What in the hell is going on here?" She asked in a demanding tone, glaring at the man who had held you a few moments prior.

"Woah, hello man, you've got nothing to worry about. I was just-" He began before being cut off.

"Making sexual advances on my daughter?" She scolded. 

"No, mom it wasn't like that-" You began, but she cut you off as well.

"This man is clearly- He's clearly not right for you, (Y/N)! Look at his hair and his clothes- He looks nothin' like a banker!" There it was, you were expecting that.

"Mom, I'm an adult! I can make my own choices!" You shot back. 

"And my names Cleetus Jones, I've killed three people!" Cleetus spoke up, beaming as he held up the number three with his fingers.

"Now, now. I'm just a simple mountain man. I make my livin' by fur trappin' and tradin'. And you all seem like lovely folks but, no offense, dumb as shit when it comes to the trail. Now, I might be willing to help you out with that for a small fee." McDoon pitched to your mother. The look on her face made it clear that she was starting to consider it.

"What do you want, you Godless bastard." Your mother gave him an unimpressed look as she spoke.

"I wanna make your daughter my bride!" He exclaimed. Totally forward, but you were alright with it. I mean, after all, he seemed daring and dangerous, and he gave you butterflies in your stomach when he spoke. 

Slippery When Wet cleared her throat before speaking. "Sir, let me be perfectly clear. Mouthface, cover your ears." Your younger sister obliged, covering her ears with her hands.

"Now, you see that girl who your hands were all over? (Y/N)? I made her out of my blood and flesh, my sweat and my tears. And I love her more than the waking world. But I will smother her in her sleep before I let her ruin herself with some thing like you. So you better just run along now, 'cause you'd have better luck sticking your pecker in a cactus. Alright Mouthface, mama's done." At the end of her little speech, your sister uncovered her ears. 

"(Y/N), Mouthface, come on now." She stated.

"Heh, well, I tryed bein' friendly. But now it's war between us." McDoon pointed to your mother. "I swear, one way or another, I'm gonna have that daughter of yours." You hoped he meant it, his charm really sweeped you off your feet. "You better keep one eye open, because you just made an enemy of The Bandit King." And dramatically, both he and Cleetus Jones walked back to their horse, riding off.

"Oh. My. God! (Y/N), the guy you were with was the Bandit King the whole time?! Oh my god that's so exciting! " Squealed Mouthface.

"Mom! Seriously? The one guy I hit it off with, you have to push him away!" You pouted.

"What is wrong with you, woman! You were seriously encouraging that wild man's advantages? Why can't you be more like your brother!" Slippery When Wet gestured to your brother.

Right. Because being like Craphole is better than going with some attractive bandit.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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