The beginning chapter one

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It was a dream Jack told himself, he stood on the parapet of a castle, below him his army stood in formation. The Massive titans looked directly at them. In a corner of his mind he knew he should be afraid of them, but he wasn't and didn't understand why. He was in command of them all, he looked to his right and there the regent stood holding the scepter, A beautiful woman stepped up beside him, she was nude except for a belt her skin like looking into polished obsidian the nipples on upraised breasts seemed to absorb light they were so dark. "You are not ready Jack" she said softly, "I will see you soon"

Jack woke sweat soaking his bed he tried to remember the dream the massive Cleaver guards the Titans it was almost like a video game that he had never played. The woman, the woman who was so dark she appeared to be made out of polished stone. He looked at the clock it was a quarter after four. He lay back down in his stink and tried to relax. Sleep wouldn't return he couldn't understand why, he stared at the ceiling he was tired and upset. He must have dozed off because he was startled by the alarm blaring in his ear.

Jack crawled out of bed and showered, he dressed and gathered his things for school. He waited at the bust stop for what seemed like an eternity before the bus arrived. He climbed on board and walked his way back to the back of the bus where his best friend if he could call her that Carmon sat. He sat down next to her, she turned to him leaning forward slightly her voluptuous chest restrained by a top that barely contained it. "Jack?"

"Yes Carmon?" he said wanting more than anything to bury his face between those beautiful mountains he blinked and brought his gaze up to look into her sapphire colored eyes. Carmon wasn't the prettiest girl in school but she was damn close. She ruled her group of girls with an iron fist, Collette a fiery red head and Janice a bubbly blonde.

"Can I copy your math homework?" she asked in a husky sultry voice.

"I um sure I guess" he responded.

He took out his math homework and Carmon began to diligently copy it she had it finished by the time they arrived at school.

They got off the bus together and he walked with Carmon to her locker were she met Rodger, who was nearly a head taller than Jack and out massed him by a factor of three. He was an enormous muscle bound freak. "Hey Nerd, stay away from my girl" he growled at Jack.

Jack didn't quite hear him and Rodger grabbed him by the neck and lifted him against the locker. "Hard of hearing nerd, I'll fix you after school then"

Jack didn't know how to respond when he was dropped to his feet his knees buckled and he nearly dropped to the floor, instead he merely ducked and ran to his own locker. His heart pounding and his hands shaking as he tried to work the lock. He was shaking so bad he didn't notice one of his other friends from the chess club, Luanne standing next to him until she spoke. "Jack are you okay?"

"Yeah I think so." he sighed knowing that was a lie.

"Jack you know if it wasn't for Carmon crowding me out and you pretty much ignoring..." Jack wasn't really paying attention and proceeded to get his books and was on his way to class when the first bell rang.

The rest of the day was fairly tedious he helped Carmon in the library during lunch because she had an English assignment due and he was able to get several pages of it completed before they had to get to the next class.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. His last class was clear on the other side of school and when it let out he hurried to where the buses were loading, either he wasn't quick enough or he took the wrong way he wasn't sure which. Rodger and a few of his Jock friends surrounded him and backed him into a dark corner. Jack wasn't sure which one of them threw the first punch, but stars scattered in front of his eyes, he gasped when someone smashed a fist into his ribs. He tasted blood in his mouth. He lay on the ground he wasn't sure how long he felt like he couldn't move the kicks to his ribs and stomach were worse, all the while Rodger berating him for even thinking about being with Carmon.

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