Chapter 20: Moving Into The Dorms

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Cyra's POV

Mina put her arm around my shoulder and squealed as we looked at the room assignments. "We are next to each other! Let's help each other decorate!" She dragged me into her room and spun around before opening one of the boxes and pulling out a hot pink bed sheet that had black spots. We worked together and put all of her curtains and other decorations up.

She bounced up and down as I unlocked my room, letting us in. Mina held up the rug that I had picked out. "This is so cool! I love the colors!" She arranged my rug on the floor as I put the sheets and bedding on my bed.

"No!" I pulled my small stack of posters out of the bottom of the box. "They're all torn up!"

Mina gently took them from me and flipped through them. "Look. These two are fine. At least they're not all ruined. On the bright side, these two fit your color scheme well!" She picked up a few thumbtacks and positioned them on the wall. "How does this look?"

"That's good." We hung up the two posters and stepped back to admire our handy work. "I'm happy with the paint that I chose."

Mina grinned, "Yep! Orange and grey really fit you!"

We met up with the rest of the class in the commons. Someone suggested a room competition, and most of the class got very excited. We took turns showing off our rooms, even though I wasn't very happy that I had to show everyone mine.

"It's so elegant!"

"Wow! That's so manly!"

"Cyra, I was wondering what you were going to use that paint for!"

"So cool!"

Izuku scratched the back of his neck as we looked at his room. He had taken this as an opportunity to get rid of all his All Might memorabilia. Instead, he put up a few posters of other heros such as Eraserhead and our other teachers.

One of my favorite rooms was Todoroki's. We had been the only two to redo the rooms in any way. After everyone showed off their rooms, we headed to the kitchen. A tap on my shoulder, made me turn around. "Yes... Oh." Iida rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced away from me.

"Could I talk with you for a second?" I nodded, and he shifted slightly. "Could we talk alone for a second?"

"Alright." I hesitantly followed him to his room.

He sat on his bed and avoided eye contact. "I... um. I wanted to apologize for the way that I have acted. I said some dumb things, that I shouldn't have."

I felt my expression soften. "I was also pretty harsh. Sorry about that."

Iida chuckled and wrung his hands. "I know that my pride gets in the way a lot, so I have a hard time admitting when I do something wrong."

"I understand."

He still avoided eye contact. "Could I make it up to you by taking you to a cafe tomorrow?"

"Oh!" I bit the corner of my lip as I considered his request. "I guess so. What time?"

"How about right after lunch?"

I felt myself nodding. "Alright. See you tomorrow." I hurried back to the kitchen and grabbed Mina. "I need to talk with you."

Dragging her to my room, she raised an eyebrow. "What's going on? Did Iida say something stupid?"

"No. He asked me if I would go with him to a cafe tomorrow."

Mina crossed her arms and shifted so that her weight was on one leg. "I hope that you told him to fuck off."

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