Chapter 28: That Was Fun

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When I finally woke up, I looked around my room, but I was unable to figure out how I got there. Was all of that a dream? Do I still need to fight Shigaraki? My confusion deepened when I realized I was warmer than normal.

A soft voice suddenly whispered. "Are you awake yet?"

I flailed and fell out of bed as I hurried to get away from the unwelcome person. My heart felt like it was beating a mile a minute. "Cyra! Are you okay!"

I forced myself to take deep breaths and calm down. "What the hell are you doing in my bed?"

Shoto frowned. "Do you not remember last night at all?"

My forehead pinched as I tried to remember. "I remember a warmth and then sleeping better than before."

His face slightly fell. "Oh. Well, Nezu had Recovery Girl waiting for us outside UA, and she healed your hands. I had to carry you to your room, and you begged me to stay."

I avoided eye contact as I stood up and untangled myself from the blanket. "Sorry about that. I just wasn't expecting someone else to be in my bed with me."

He got out of my bed and shuffled toward the door. "I should be going then..."

"Wait." I grabbed onto his forearm. "Would you mind staying, please? I'll just take a minute to get dressed and brush my teeth."

He nodded, so I hurried to grab clothes from my drawer. After getting ready for the day, I wrapped my arms around one of Shoto's arms as we walked to the elevator and rode it up to his floor.

Sero stepped out of his room as we came out of the elevator. "Hearth! Todoroki! Where were you guys? We were so worried! Especially when Mina saw the two of you leave campus with backpacks on a Saturday!"

"Thanks for the concern, Sero. But we were on a mission for Principle Nezu. We couldn't tell anyone in case word of it got leaked. Only Izuku knew, but you clearly couldn't talk to him yesterday because he was on a separate mission along with Tsu, Uraraka, and Kirishima. We had to leave earlier because we had a longer commute, and we had to walk the whole way."

Sero blinked and looked at me blankly. "Missions?"

"Yeah. For our work studies."

He still looked puzzled, but let it go. "Oh! Mina is gonna go crazy when she hears that you are up and moving!"

I smiled. "If you run into her before I do, tell her to meet me in the dining room, and that I expect a giant breakfast."

Shoto squeezed my hand. "I was planning on taking you out to breakfast today."

"Alright. I'll just tell her to meet you downstairs."

I didn't get to thank Sero before Shoto pulled me into his room. I sat down on his bed as he grabbed his clothes and quickly got ready for the day.

We headed back downstairs and were greeted by Momo. "My mom gave me a brief update on your mission. It sounds like yours ended up being a lot better than Izuku's."

This caught my attention, but not in a good way. "What happened? Is Izuku alright? What about the others? Are they okay?"

She sighed. "There were a lot of injuries. Kirishima and Izuku are currently in the hospital, but Izuku was just there for them to study the effects of the little girl's quirk. He wasn't seriously injured. Mr. Aizawa was also slightly hurt. So were Mirio, Tamaki, and a few pro heroes." She sighed. "It doesn't look like Nighteye is going to make it."

I wrapped my arms around myself. "Oh. Do you know when any of them are coming back to the dorms? Or if they are staying in the hospital, will there be a time to go visit with them?"

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