100 reasons why I love you

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⚠️Self Harm⚠️
Reader has been going through a lot. She's been acting differently and some people have noticed. What happens at Chris Evans's Birthday party?
(Y/n'a POV)
I hate myself. That's the simplest way to describe why I constantly have intrusive thoughts. I've never listened to them, though. I've tried my best to ignore the thoughts. But I don't know how much longer I can control myself.

(Your POV)
"You look so pretty!" Lizzie tells you while picking up her bag.

"So do you!" You reply with a smile.

She opens the garage door and suddenly turns back.

"Did you get Chris's birthday gift?"

"Oh, I forgot! Wait, I'll bring it," you say, entering the house again to bring the gift.

You find it, and on the way back to the car, you look at yourself in the mirror.
After a few seconds of looking at yourself, you sigh and leave the house.

When you get in the car, Lizzie has already connected her phone to the car and is playing her favourite playlist (You made it for her).

"I found an ice cream shop near us. Do you want to get some before we go?" she says excitedly.
Lizzie LOVES ice cream. Her favourite flavour is caramel crunch.

"I'm not really in the mood for ice cream, but you can get some if you want."

"The MOOD of ice cream? What even is that? You were always in the mood for ice cream!" she says sarcastically.

"Well, now I'm not!" you reply aggressively while looking out of the window to your right.

You don't know why you've been so rude to Lizzie these past few weeks. Not just Lizzie but all the people around you. Like Scarlett, your friends, your family...
You just feel angry all the time.

Lizzie doesn't say anything. She stays quiet all the way to Chris's place.

When you arrive, Lizzie knocks on the door, and you stay behind her

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When you arrive, Lizzie knocks on the door, and you stay behind her. You can't stop thinking about how much Lizzie might hate you right now. You just don't want people to hate you as you hate yourself.

"Hiiiii! Happy birthday!!!!!" Lizzie hugs Chris with a kind smile.

"Hello!! Thank youu!!!" he looks at you with a smile while hugging Lizzie.

Lizzie enters his house, and you give the gift to Chris.
"Happy birthday!"

"Thank you so much y/n! You didn't have to!" he pulls you into a hug.

"Guess what?" Chris asks you.


"Scarlett is late as always."

"Oh, she told me that she has to pick Rose up from her friend's house and then she'll come. I forgot to tell you sorry."

"Oh, alright, alright."

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