Chapter 3 : Sister Bonding (part 1)

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(Found this fan art in twitter. Art belongs to the owner)

Sorry for all the waiting for this chapter. To be honest this is way longer than I thought... So I will be divide this into 2 parts hope you all enjoy.

Thanks for all the support so far on this book. 

Make sure to read the previous chapter before reading this one to understand the story. This chapter is Mei's Pov from the last chapter. The day of this chapter is Friday so tomorrow is weekend. Current time is lunch time and St. Freya lunch break is 2 hour long. They had a long lunch break due to heavy combat training.

(Also sorry that my grammar suck) 


Things to know:

Bold = Pov (Point of View) , Time skip, Author notes

Italic = Thoughts, Flashbacks, Talking through mind

*_* = actions


Mei's Pov 

I fell asleep while hugging tightly Y/n. I feel like she move me for a sec, I don't know what she do but it just make me more comfy. After around 30 minutes I wake up on nee-san lap. It was very comfortable. I then look around to see Kiana and Bronya being lectured by her friend. It's very funny to see their face like that.

Y/n : Hmm, so you are finally awake. It's almost lunch time by the way. How's your sleep nee-san?

Mei : So Comfy... Can I ask you a question nee-san ? 

Y/n : Yes, Mei ?

Mei : Can you promise me not to leave me alone again ?

Y/n : Of course nee-san.

I then hug her again. I feel the warmth of our mother from her since she is really close to mom when she still alive. 

Earlier Y/n Pov 

I fell to the ground when Mei nee-san tackle me. She then cry her to sleep while hugging me. Then Miko told me someone is spying on us. 

Miko : Y/n I can hear some one said "wait what" in the bushes.

Y/n : You want, to go to found out who is spying us ?

Miko : Sure, I got nothing to do.

Miko then moves really fast it almost look like she teleport. I manage to get off Nee-san tight hug. I then carry her in my arm, sit at the nearest bench and put her on my lap while making her head facing me. She looks really peaceful while sleeping on me. 

Y/n : Sweet dreams nee-san.

Miko then come back holding two girls. One of them have white hair, while the others have gray hair. I notice that the gray hair girl have mechanical legs. Miko give them a long lecture about manners.

Time skip 30 minutes later.

After 30 minutes, nee-san wakes up. She is really really enjoying her sleep a lot. I still see Miko lecturing those two girls. 

Y/n : Miko I think you are going to harsh on them. 

Miko : Hmph, fine you win. But give me head pats.

Miko then seat next to me and I give her head pats not realizing my nee-san is looking me with a really jealous look.

Mei : *pouting* Why don't get head pats nee-san.

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