Chapter 6: Gem of Desire

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We hit 200 followers, I can't believe we manage to get this far. I can't do it all without your support so thanks. As a reward, I will be giving a little spoiler at the end for the book that I adopted from @Marseldagistani. Of course, it will not work until I finish the rotation of the book update schedule and when I have time. So thanks again for all the support and enjoy this chapter. 


Things to know:

Bold = Pov (Point of View), Time skip, Attacks, talking through speaker.

"bold" = Herrscher Personality.

Italic = Thoughts, Flashbacks, Talking through mind, Dreams.

*_* = actions

"Italic" = "thoughts in dream"

Bold Italic : herrscher personality in dream.


Y/n Pov

A couple of months have passed and things have happened. Like Kiana barely passing the valkyrie exam, Me and my sister with Miko destroying the entire horde of Honkai in one of our mission. It was bloodshed because it was Soukai city that got attacked.

Onee-san and Me also see the herrscher of the end again. I figure out that she is the previous-era Herrscher of The End. The current era of Herrscher of The End is still unknown. 

One time the will of Honkai told me the truth about our mother. She was the previous era Herrscher of Origin and it's passed down to Mei still dormant in her herrshcer core. I currently don't have any connection to Origin. 

It also told me that the previous Herrscher of The End's body was being controlled by the future Herrscher of The End meant that I will be the wife of the next Herrscher of The end since she is the one who marks me. 

Now right now I am sitting under a tree while reading a book. Mei and Miko are also with me she is sleeping on my lap right now, while Miko sleeps next to me in her fox form. I can feel the soft wind blowing by making it even more peaceful.  Currently, it's 5 AM we have kinda fallen asleep while star gazing in the night.

Me: Peace at last, not being disturbed by a tuna. 

I flip over to the next page of the book. I then heard someone talking from afar.

???: Hey, Kiana where is Mei and Y/n?

Kiana: Oh they are outside sitting under the tree trying to relax. 

???: I see, I will go talk to them now. 

I look up from my book to see Major Himeko. She is with Theresa looking at me and Mei's peaceful figure sleeping on my lap. 

Himeko: There you are Y/n, I was going to tell you that all of us will be going on another mission later.  

Me: I see, currently I can't do anything because I don't want to wake Mei up. 

Theresa: Then we will see you later. We have things to do like preparing for the mission. When Mei and Miko wake up, tell them to eat breakfast after that go to the schoolyard. 

Me: I understand principal. 

They then proceed to leave and do their things. I go back to reading my book while drinking a cup of tea I made before getting stuck in this position. 

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