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(quick a/n: i rewrote the prologue bc i needed to establish some things earlier on than planned, if you read the old version, its mostly the same besides the beginning bit and a few dialogue changes)

.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .

As we sailed towards Berk, the sun shone brightly in the sky, but the biting cold made me wrap my furs around me tighter. The island loomed ahead, with towering cliffs and thick pine trees, and a handful of houses scattered along the edge. It was on this very island where, at the age of ten, I first encountered Stoick the Vast. He warmly welcomed my family and me as we disembarked from the boat, even lending a hand to help me off. While he showed my parents around the village, his son and another boy kept me company. 

Hiccup Haddock was a thin and reserved boy with a sharp wit. He often muttered comments under his breath, particularly directed toward Dagur Oswaldson. In contrast to Hiccup's friendly nature, Dagur was completely indifferent toward me and chose to ignore my presence. Trying to strike up a conversation, Hiccup asked about my fur cloak's fastening. The silvery circle was adorned with the crest of Bjorgyn, which featured a fierce grizzly bear.

"You earn your crest through your coming of age," I explained. Hiccup hummed, listening intently. "I only earned mine a few moons ago. When you're ready, they prepare the hunt." Dagur glanced up as I spoke. "To succeed you must kill the first mark you see. You cannot allow one to get away."

"Kill what?" Hiccup tilted his head. I opened my mouth to respond but Dagur beat me to the punch.

"A bear, she had to take down a bear." I nodded in his direction. "How big was yours?" He asked hesitantly. Dagur seemed to be genuinely curious as to the size of the bear I had to take down, likely because a bear is a fierce opponent and he had to wonder whether or not I was capable of taking it down.

I thought about it for a second, trying to recall. The bear had been large, bigger than most. Finally having an answer I said, "He was a foot taller than Stoick."

"Bigger than Dad?!" Hiccup exclaimed.

Giggling behind my hand, I nodded."Well, at least when he was standing." After that, the ice had been broken, and both boys asked me about Bjorngyn's customs. They would ask a question and I asked one in return. Berkians tended to be more of a simple tribe, while the Berserkers lived up to their name. During the discussion, I learned more about the neighboring tribes than I ever did from the council.

Sadly, it was cut short when my father came stomping into the room, his face red enough to match his hair and his teeth clenched tightly together. "Olliviena, get your things." He ordered.

Clutching my cloak close to me, I waited for him to leave the room before saying goodbye.

"Write to me? Please? It's nice to have friends who know what it's like to be an heir."I begged the boys, holding their hands.

"Of course, Olli!" Dagur grinned wickedly. He had really opened up to me in the hour we knew each other. Hiccup smiled brightly, also agreeing.

He never wrote me a single letter.

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I pushed past the people in the Northern Markets. It was the Laugardagr, decidedly not a day of worship, so the streets were bustling. As I bumped (not stumbled, never stumbled) into people I'd offer them a friendly grin and wave as my free hand worked their gold pouch out of their pockets. Supplies were running low, and to get more I needed money. Besides, I was waiting for someone. I continued this pattern before making my way under a bridge.

It was dark and separated from the rest of the market. I stood there, fiddling with the drawstring pouches I had picked up. Glancing up I made eye contact with a dragon. He was poking his head out of the forest, about a hundred feet away. He was blue with a lime stripe behind his eyes. His face was quite angular and almost reminded me of a beak.

I smiled at him, and he bounced excitedly in response. Frode was a relatively happy dragon, but he was far too reliant on me. Typically, Dramillions were pack dragons, they needed a group, and since Frode had no group, he latched onto me. He made it difficult to keep himself a secret because he wanted to be by my side 24/7, but somehow we managed.

As I was deciding if I should leave now or hang around a little longer, I heard footsteps behind me. While spinning on my heel I was tackled, the force of which knocked the air from my lungs. We hit the ground with a thud and all I could see was a mess of red hair and silver armor. Immediately, I started squirming and managed to get my arm free, despite this man's broad shoulders and heavy armor, he was much lighter than he should be. He scrambled to get ahold of my arms as I drew back my fist. Punching him, I managed to stun him for long enough to get him off of me.

Now free and able to move freely, I yanked my belt loose and grabbed his wrists. My attacker thrashed about, successfully knocking one leg off balance. Unfortunately, for him, I already had one of his wrists secured. He smirked at me. It was somewhat crooked and would have been cute had he not jumped me. Maybe I won't take all his gold.

I dropped to one knee and let his hand go. He threw a wide swing and I ducked under it before grabbing his leg and pulling. If I'm on the ground, so is he. The redhead smacked into the ground and would have been able to jump right back up if it wasn't for the snarling dragon above him. Frode looked particularly frightening with his beak-like snout and horns, and the fact that he was now growling and holding the man down with his front claws.

Fear flashed across his face before a darker expression settled. His eyes became foggy, almost as if he was reminiscing. "Dude, you are staring into the face of death," I thought, "not the time." Finally, he spoke up.

"Woah! Woah! Here I was thinking you would've missed me!" He exclaimed.

"Why would I miss someone I don't know," I responded icily. His grin faltered for a second. I stared at him, studying him. The way his lip twitched, how heavy his breathing was, how he was still so confident. And his eyes, his forest green eyes. I did know him, but from where?

"Come on Olli, you know me. I wrote, didn't I? Even in jail, I did!"

Realization hit me like a strike of lightning. "Oh my Thor, Dagur!" I cried, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, I missed you too, Olliviena." He hugged me back. 

.·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .

word count: 1185 wowowowowowowow that was the first chapter. yall are really gonna hate me but im AWFUL at updates bc im an artist first not a writer, but im gonna try to get a few chapters done quickly. also notes about Olli, yes ik its weird for her to have green hair. idc, i made her when i was 12 and she had green hair then, and it was so iconic it stayed. also it was a struggle to get wattpad to let me add the picture so im not going back to fix it but her ages are wrong. they should be 10, 16, 20, 24ish. shes supposed to be a year older than hiccup but i forgot how old he was until now and as i said before, i aint fucking with wattpad again

𝖘𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖊𝖉 𝖘𝖜𝖎𝖓𝖉𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖘 (Dagur)Where stories live. Discover now