Chapter 3- 2nd part to the party

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as soon as we walked in i smelt the really strong scent of alcohol and drugs.
"imma go smoke some weed!" i yelled over the loud music to my friends, they nodded their head and i pushed my way past the crowd and to the balcony were everyone was smoking weed.
"hey can i have some of that?" i asked this random dude
"yeah but it'll cost ya"
"ok how much?" i asked
"likeee 30 for 5 grams"
"alr" i said as i gave him a 20 and a 5
"sorry i only have a 20 and a 5, the rest of my money is on my card..." i said
"ya know what idc i'll let ya off only cuz ur pretty" he said and i smiled as i took the weed from him
i could already tell i was about to have a fun night.

<<time skip like an hour>>

at this point i was very intoxicated. i've taken like 6 shots of tequila and smoked a gram of weed through a pipe with the weed that dude gave me as well as some other peoples weed.

as i was midst of drinking my 7th shot of tequila, my favorite song comes on. i quickly put the shot glass down. i go to the dance floor and start doing my thing when i suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. i turn to see who it is and it's vinnie- omfg it's vincent cole fucking hacker

"you look so hot right now" vinnie whispered in my ear as i blushed
"you don't look too bad yourself mr hacker"
"let's go upstairs" he says as he grabbed my wrist and led me up the stairs
things got heated really quick and i think you can guess what happens from there 😏😏

i'm too lazy to write smut rn sorry so like yea just know that they did it 😭😭

<<time skip to school on monday>>

"omg girl i cant believe you hooked up with vinnie hacker!" said cami
"trust me, me either" i said
"speaking of the party, i made out with jordan at the bar that night" said gigi
"oh my god girll we both got our mannn" i said as gigi laughed
"you guys aren't the only ones because i had a make our session in one of the rooms with bryce" said amiah
"omggg yesss go amiahhh" said gigi
"guys i have something to tell y'all too, me and noah kissed" said cami
"you didn't make out or anything?" said amiah
"no i feel like that's a lot considering i basically just met him" said cami
"yeah cami your not really the type to have a full on make out session with someone like that" i said
"yeah not all of us are like you dakota and wanna have sex the first 30 minutes" amiah said making all of us laugh
"real talk tho i hope those birth control pills worked-" i said
"well when do you get your period?" gigi asks
"it was actually supposed to be this morning but sometimes it's just a tiny bit late no big deal?" i said
they all looked at each other in shock
"what?" i said
"girl what if your pregnant???!!" yelled amiah
"SHHH OMG" i yelled
"girl i'm literally not pregnant that's crazy talk right there!" i said
"ok but you never know" said gigi
"trust me guys i'm not pregnant" i said
"ok but if you still don't get your period i would already be planning the baby shower" said cami
"cami!" i yelled as everyone else laughed

<<time skip to a week later>>

"dakota are you sure you don't want lunch?" asked amiah
"yes i can't even look at food rn" i said holding my stomach. this week has been full of stomach aches and me throwing up non stop. and to put the cherry on top, i never got my period. i MIGHT be pregnant but i still don't think i am.
"come on just have one bite of my sandwich pleaser?" said amiah
"yea do it for us" said cami.
"yeah you can't just not eat all day" said gigi
"fine." i said with a sigh, finally giving up.
they all cheered and amiah handing over her sandwich.
i took a small bite.
"are y'all happy now?" i said
"yes, thank you" said amiah.
"your welcome i g-" i got cut off by the feeling of vomit.
i quickly got up and ran to the nearest bathroom and vomited all over the toilet in the stall.
"she is totally pregnant." said amiah
"yep. we're gonna be aunts!" cheered gigi
"the dad is probably vinnie" said cami
"probably." agreed amiah and gigi.

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