Chapter 4

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it was the next day at school and i was dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie. i was still really shocked and bummed about the whole situation. when me, amiah, cami, and gigi get out of amiahs car and walk into the front doors of the school i feel someone grab my wrist and turn me around to face him. it was vinnie.
"hey so my mom and dad overheard me yelling about the pregnancy shit and they are forcing me to help with the baby n shit and they want you to come over for dinner. but jordan and bryce and noah are coming so you can bring your friends if you want idc the point is tonight we are having dinner at my house at 6 so be ready" he said as he walked past me and bumped my shoulder real hard that it almost knocked me over.
i didn't even get a chance to respond to all of that.
i walked back up to my friends who had witnessed the whole and we all talked about it and agreed to all go to the dinner

the rest of the day i was just stressing about everything going on in my life and couldn't focus on any of my studies.
thank god for vinnies parents because if it weren't for them then i wouldn't have anyone to help with the baby besides my friends.
i also really am happy about vinnie being involved with the baby's life.

my thoughts were interrupted by my friends grabbing my arm and taking me to amiahs car.
"girl we have to hurry and get to camis place because we don't have much time to get ready!" said amiah as we all got into her car.

an hour passed and by then we were all ready to go to vinnies house. none of us were dressed up super fancy whag she it was just dinner but we weren't dressed up like homeless people either. i just worse some simple leggings with a hoodie. same with the others

we all hopped in the car and drove to vinnies.
"guys all of vinnies friends are going to be there, that means all of y'all's crushes are gonna be there!" i said
"omg your so right!!" said gigi as everyone else agreed.
"i just hope everything goes well and there's no drama" says amiah
"same i hope no one creates a scene." says cami.
"don't we all?" i say as everyone nods in agreement.

we pull up to vinnies house and walk up to the front door. i ring the doorbell and vinnies mom, mrs hacker answers the door and greets us.
"hey girls! everyone's already at the table and dinner is already freshly made!" she says as she lets us in.
"thanks so much!" me and the girls say as we take our spots.

"thanks so much!" me and the girls say as we take our spots

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this is where everyone chose to sit

as everyone sat down and started to eat, jordan broke the silence.
"honestly idk why vinnie has to forget his whole career for a baby?" jordan says obviously pissed.
"bro wth i didn't choose to get pregnant why are you blaming me!?" i yelled
"bro chill!" yelled bryce.
"don't get involved in this it doesn't include you!" yelled cami.
"it doesn't involve you either!" yelled vinnie
"vinnie shut the fuck up!" yelled gigi
"don't yell at vinnie like that!" yelled bryce.
"bryce i stg if you don't stfu" shouted amiah
everyone started arguing about something and it soon turned into a huge fight and everyone was yelling.
mrs and mr hacker got and and grabbed their plates.
"we aren't coming back until you guys solve this." says mrs hacker and they both go into the other room.
"EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" yelled someone from the stair case.
it was reggie, vinnies younger brother.
everyone went dead silent as reggie walked up to the table.
"dakota and jordan, why are you guys arguing?" asked reggie.
"because jordan is being a dickhead and is accusing me of taking vinnies career away when it's not my fault i got pregnant!" i shout
"well im jsit saying vinnie shouldn't have to stop his tiktok career that, not to mention, he has 12 million followers on, because on some stupid girl and her baby." he says.
"jordan, it's not esme's fault she got pregnant, and just because he got some girl pregnant doesn't mean he can't still continue doing tiktok." says reggie.
"now, bryce and cami, why are you guys arguing?" he asks.
"because cami keeps telling me stupid shit and telling me to be quiet and not get involved but she can't tell me shit she's not my boss!" yells bryce.
"bro wth it's not your place to get involved in shit that doesn't have anything to do with you!" shouted cami.
"cami, its fine if bryce wants to defend jordan, but bryce, you don't have to make a big deal out of this."
"now vinnie and gigi, why are you guys yelling at each other?" he asks.
"because vinnie can't just shut the hell up-" gigi gets cut off
"fuck you gigi, i was just defending bryce! get off my fucking dick damn!" yells vinnie
"bro dakota was the one who was on your dick" shouts gigi, making everyone but me and vinnie laugh.
"gigi you are so fucking weird" i sternly say as i aggressively get out from my chair and walk to the bathroom.
how could she just say some weird shit like that in front of everyone? not to be dramatic or anything but like that shit is weird and it makes me uncomfortable.
i hear a knock on the bathroom door.
"who is it?" i ask annoyed.
"it's vinnie let me in."
idk who i was expecting to knock but it defiantly wasn't vinnie!
i open the door for him and he walks in closing the door after him.
"what's wrong?" he asks
"idk, what gigi said was really weird and kinda awkward it just made me feel uncomfortable..idk sorry i feel like i'm being dramatic about it"
"no i agree with you. it was kinda out of pocket. but you have to admit it was kinda funny"
"yeah it was" i slightly chuckle.
"come on let's go back out" he says grabbing my hand and leading me back to my chair. he then pulls my chair out for me and lets me sit in it, then pushes my chair back in for me.
idk why he's being so nice but im so loving it. everyone watched as he walked back to his seat.
"soo, what now?" says bryce
"sorry, what i said was kinda weird dakota" said gigi
"nah it's ok" i said reassuringly.
for the rest of the time we talked about random things
"so esme what did your parents do when they found your your pregnant." asked jordan
"they kicked me out" i said bluntly.
"damn thats tuff" he said.
everyone else was kinda in shock
"but it's fine because i moved in with cami since she lives alone" i say
"oh ok good" says vinnie.
i look at the time "10:45 pm" damn
"omg it's so late" i say
"yeah we should really get going guys" says cami
"yeah but thanks for having us all over mrs and mr hacker!" i say
"bye guys" we all say to everyone and head out the door and into amiahs car.
"OMG DAKOTA what did you and vinnie talk about in the bathroom??" asks amiah as everyone else gets interested too
"omg i cant believe he walked in with me it was so sweet of him, which we all know vinnie and he is not sweet at all- anyways he asked me what was wrong and he really comforted me and made me feel better. it was so nice" i said
"awww rhats so cute of him!!" says amiah
"it really is omgg" says cami
"that is so cute, btw sorry again for making u uncomfortable, i thought it would just be a funny joke nothing else." says gigi
"it's ok i forgive you, i kinda overreacted about the situation too, i was just already heated about the jordan thing" i say.
we start driving to camis place becsue we had all planned to have a sleepover after dinner.
on the way we jammed out to music

once we got inside we all hung out until it got very late and fell asleep in the living room. it was a fun night.

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