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"Hey!" the werewolves run after me.

Dammit, the witch's forest is sealed by their magic.

"Get him!"

I continue running.

I can't believe that they're this determined to catch me. I mean look, I am a furry creature like you. I look a bit different though.

I look around the cliff village.

Where's George?

When Saber brings George to the forest I cannot, that's why I walk around the village instead.

I stare at the bonfire, where those furry creatures are celebrating.

Saber's victory, huh?

Right, I guess I should join them. I might see George there.

On the other side of this celebration, George's mother is there in the forest. I heard she's not allowed to go outside. Is she tortured? What about her magic?

How did she become a witch though? Is she a half-blood too? A gifted?

Does that make George a witch as well?

I walk down the stairs. I am still in awe of how they thought of this cliff village concept. It's a bit risky but the foundation is very sturdy.

Maybe we should apply this to our place.

We don't have a cliff, though.

I feel my body slowly getting weak. Maybe because I'm drinking less blood than my regular intake.

Damn it, where in the world is Joaquin? I need blood. I'm running out of supplies.

I walk down the wooden staircase.

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