about this story

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Some of the images and videos even musics are not mine although this story has people with almost has a same name as the famous people in reality the others of it are evil but not the same as ours in real world this is a work of fanfiction not reality

The sirens in this story are far more stronger than the enemy' Sirens in mobile most of them have powers like esper's the only who can use powers are humanoid sirens and high class sirens

Classification of sirens

Mass produced sirens

Mass produced sirens are man controlled or AI controlled warships created to fight against the created warships of humankind

Level and difficulty: based on their color
1: Double Hull aircraft carrier queen
2: Battleship Rook
3: heavy cruiser knight
4: aviation light cruiser bishop
5: destroyer pawn
Executor class

Executor sirens (sirens with human bodies and also capable to use ability powers as Espers)

Executor sirens first class
Level and difficulty: easy to normal
1: destroyer scavenger
2: light cruiser chaser
3: heavy cruiser navigator
4: battleship smasher
5: aircraft carrier conductor
6: submarine lurker I

Executor sirens second class
Level and difficulty: normal to hard
1: destroyer Explorer
2: Light cruiser tracer
3: heavy cruiser oceana
4: battleship breaker
5: aircraft carrier strategist
6: suppression submarine lurker II

Executor sirens third class
Level and difficulty: hard to very hard
1: destroyer Explorer II
2: Light cruiser tracer II
3: heavy cruiser oceana II
4: Battleship breaker II
5: aircraft carrier strategist II

Executor sirens fourth class
Level and difficulty: very hard to almost impossible (actually characters existed in Dreamworld event)
1: destroyer adventurer
2: light cruiser hunter
3: heavy cruiser Poseidon
4: Battleship destructor
5: aircraft carrier tactician
Elite class

These are the first Siren encountered in the story that seem able to be self-conscious and can interact with the Shipgirls. Although they prefer to act from the shadow and avoid confrontation, but also show up as bosses during some events. Their primary objective seems to be running tests and observing the results from them. They also create mirror seas. As we have encountered other Siren groups, that are clearly defined, it's unknown if these Siren form a single group and share a single goal. They are often referred to the Sirens' elite by shipgirls
And every single one of them have powers different from each other

1: battleship tester
2: battle cruiser observer Alpha
3: Heavy cruiser purifier
4: battleship omitter
5: super submarine battle carrier Compiler
6: armored submarine battleship observer zero

Enforcers are a stronger class of humanoid type Sirens, employed by the Arbiters these guys are more dangerous than elite class since they have a potential to overpower the existence of modern warships

1: destroyer XIV equilibrium
2: heavy cruiser VI lovers
3: heavy cruiser VII determination
4: battleship III harvest
5: battleship IX exploration
6: aircraft carrier XIV harmony

The Arbiters are an recently encountered force of the Siren. Their main purpose seems to be dealing with the Ashes faction. They employ their own version the elites called the enforcers.

1: Heavy armored cruiser strength VII
2: battleship Hermit X
3: battle carrier temperance XIV
4: super battleship Empress III
5: super aircraft carrier Editor

About Earth's dimensions

There are 24 dimensions of Earth created by the so called the "Goddess of all the gods", almost every single one of Earth's dimensions have different technological and magical achievements and some of the different Earth's dimension has achieve being a multi stellar species of it's own universe like the fifth dimension but the Earth and the solar system is on war against the galactic empire of Andromeda Galaxy others are still on the infancy period of advance technologies and the others achieved the Pre-modern period the electronic age such as our world the 2nd dimension Earth which is focusing more on science than magical technologies, meanwhile the world where azur lane exist is in the 7th dimension where that world is also focusing both magical and scientifical tech

(Well more arbiters and enforces are going to be added due to new enemies being introduced into the game)

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