Chapter 4: The Beginning of the End

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If you asked Daniel about the events of today, he just might begin to cry.

Remember how I said Daniel charged at Octavian?? Apparently that's a no-no. The King easily flipped Daniel over his shoulder. Daniel had great hang time. He was in the air for what seemed like minutes. But all cool things must have violent endings. Our Danny faceplanted. He got up, rubbed his face, and walked back over and stood being Krissy. He wasn't a big fan of humiliation. "Just why should I give up ruling the world?!" Octavian asked furiously. "Dude, eat a tic-tac. Yo breath stank!" Daniel exclaimed. Octavian took out a small basket, and sure enough, ate a hand-full of tic-tacs. "How ironic. This was a gift from our allies from 'The Rip'." "'The Rip'? What's that?" Krissy asked. "Just as I told you before... I was out in my very spacious garden when a couple of men appeared. They looked very foreign. Very weird. They carried firearms, these guns. They were weird. They didn't belong in our time. They seemed to want to help us. They said they'd help us win over the war, and later, the whole world.

"The entire world would never come together under dictatorship. They're too diverse. Too independent. There would be resistances everywhere. Revolts, strikes. You would hurt more than you would gain. You think they trust you?! They're just using .........."


This Was a moment when time stood still for Daniel.. He didn't recall this memory often, but when he did, he became sad, and wanted to be alone. Daniel slowly turned his head.. just in time to see his best friend collapse to the ground. She fell over with a sickening slam to the head.. She didn't move; If she was breathing, Daniel couldn't tell. His only goal was to punish the person who did this to Krissy. He had known Krissy for many years now. It had been a while since they had met. Sometmes he remembered how nervous she had acted making his first cup of hot chocolate. But no matter now, he had to save her..

But what if he wasn't fast enough, and she died.. What if he was shot too.. Daniel raced over to the nearest wall, and yanked at sword that was decorating the wall. It was stuck with some sort of adhesive.. The was the sound of footprints. They were heading towards Daniel. They were relaxed, like they were in no rush to get to Daniel. A casual stroll through the park..

They were close now, but so was Daniel with removing the sword. One more tug and he was sure to pull it off..

Click.. Clack.. Click.. Clack..

"PULL!" Daniel thought. "PULL! FOR KRIS!! FOR KRYSTLE!" He had to help Krissy. He had to save Krissy. Take her to the real world, their world. He pulled with all his might.

Click.. Clack..

"I'm running out of time!" He thought.

Click.. Clack..

"AAAAGGGHHHHHHHH!!" That was the first sound Daniel made after Krissy had been shot.. The first time he was able to speak.. Able to use his voice to project emotion.. He was angry.. Sure he was scared, and sad, and horrified if he failed.. But his anger.. It surpassed all of that.. This man had just shot his best-friend, and was casually walking over to Daniel.. Didn't this fool know who he was?! This was not some average joe who stumbled through a Doorway to the Past.. This guy was Daniel.. And Daniel didn't let this sort of occasion go without retaliation..

Click..... Clack..... The footsteps slowed.. They suddenly had a fear for Daniel; like that feeling when you have 11 missed calls from your mother, and she pulls up to the place that you're eating at with your friend.. You have a vague idea of what she could do, but it ends up being much worse.. That's the kind of fear Daniel's scream put into this person.. The feeling of Unknown horror.

SHINGG!! The sword came loose. Daniel could only hope that he hadn't wasted too much time.

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