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CHAPTER TWO- References

"My name is Daisy. And I have suffered from the- the Reference disease for- for as long as I can remember. All I know- I was working in the library one day. And I found a book. It- it looked amazing and I- I - I felt as if it was calling to me. So I- I read it. The lost hero. That was the...the name. I- I haven't been able to go ten sentences without making a dam referen-"

Daisy's parents had to come in and take her away. She had made another reference and she couldn't bear it.

This is common for fangirls.

Statistics show that 4 in 5 fangirls suffer from making at least one reference every nano second.

The 1 in 5 aren't much better. They make one every millisecond.

Please rest assured that we all go through it at some point. Daisy was a new fangirl, unknown to this territory before. This was why she was so distraught.

Over time, Refernces will grow to be a part of you.

An annoying part, yes. But a part she couldn't live without.
--------------House of Hades

Sorry, excuse my reference there.

I have been a fangirl for two years now. Younger than most, yes but I have grown accustomed to the References.

Before you know it, you'll be smiling and joking about how last night's storm had been "Siriusly Black" or how you couldn't have possible cheated in the test because "Nobody" had given you any answers.

It may seem like a dark, haunting prospect for our younger fangirls but you must understand that it really isn't.

It's beautiful and bright. It's a beacon of hope and a symbol of strength between fangirls.

As important as it is to understand that you are perfectly normal (well, sort of), it is also vital to know that others may not see it this way.

Whenever you make a reference, you may notice a lot of face palming occuring within a ten meter radius.

This is because of their inability to see through the mist of reality.

(Or it could be your inability to see through the mist of fantasy, but this is of no importance)

They aren't capable of looking at it from the light of imagination.

For these normal people, we have a variety of names.

Some may call them 'Mortals.'

Others in cloaks may refer to them as 'Muggles.'

Or some going by names such as Jace would probably call them 'Mundanes.'

Words such as these are so popular that some have even been added to the Oxford Dictionary of Nerdiness. (Pardon me)

References connect fangirls with the books they love. It makes you feel like you belong in the story. It makes you feel like you're living in nothing more than a beautiful book.

No matter what those scientists say, the Reference Disease is not something to be ashamed of. In fact, it's not a disease at all.

It's a gift.

So be proud and stand tall. Ignore the haters and move on.

Types of References

Just as there are blood types, there are different types of References.

Obvious References
Obvious References are References that tell the whole world that you're a fangirl.

Vague References
Vague References can be identified by close friends and could lead to many face walling moments.

Subtle References
Subtle References are all those dam inside jokes shared by different fandoms. They're the most fun to use because you can leave people cluelessly mystified. Especially works on English teachers.

Examples of References

°•○● If say, you see a bug. Your friend tries to wipe it away and you yell, "No! That could be Frank! You'll hurt him!" ---This is an Obvious Reference.

●○•° When you keep using words like 'Dam', 'Shist', or 'Styx' --- These are Vague References.

°•○● When in surprised cased you mutter things like 'Oh my Hades', 'What in Merlin's name', 'Gods of Egypt', or even 'I blame Hera.' --- These are again, Vague References.

●○•° When you make unidentified references like 'Siriusly?' Or 'Nobody' Or 'I was a little Moody' Or 'Ridikulos!' (Intended mistake) Or even things like 'Slytherin [Slyther in]' --- These are Subtle References.

For more information on this phenomena, dial 1200. We found out that the previous number was that of a serial killer. No, not a SIRIUS killer. A serial killer.

There is no known cure. The only way to stop making references is to start reading Non-Fiction books aboit World Wars and what not. But be careful as these monsters may ruin your health and rid all the fangirl in you.

Whatever happens, however depressed you may feel, know that millions of other fangirls stand by you.

And know that the reason this happens is because we have the power of Imagination. And Imagination is full of fairies and candy so we shall never let go.

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