Story till now...

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* The above line is from Ventures of Gem Land-4. Hitting the bookstores soon!*

Seven years ago, Lucinda and her brother were sent to Earth with their memories erased, for them knowing their past was dangerous. Days melted into years and a year ago, they were told about their past by none other than a Queen of Gem Land. It was made known to them that their parents were murdered by an evil spirit and that for six years Earth was the safest place for them, but it seemed it wasn't anymore. They are taken to the castle of the Queen for a short time of fourteen days where they make more friends and-enemies. As the time ended, they came back to Earth and that was when the adventure began; and so, did the horror. She loses her grandfather and best friend when an invisible being attacks and then two girls mysteriously disappeared and a stranger appears. Unknown to the fact that the barrier of the Black kingdom had opened, Lucinda ventures to know the mystery behind the loss she faced. The stranger tells her the barrier that kept the bad away has opened and it was the black time that was causing all these harms. Black Time is when a person gets totally unconscious about what they are doing and continue their work without noticing anyone or anything. He even said that the only thing that can stop black time was the invaluable book of secrets. She gave him that book but he betrayed her. He turned out to be the Black Time devil, the person causing all these harms. She then, with all the people whose names were mentioned inside the book journeyed to close the barrier. None of them were affected by the Black Time due to the magic in their blood. After battling a Cipactli, a creature with a mouth in every part of its body, they close the barrier for good. But the adventure was not over. The barrier of the Monster World was about to open but with the joy in the air, they forgot about the challenges of the future. Now the barrier is on the verge of opening and as Lucinda and Jackson return to Gem Land with their friends, they will face dangers they have never known.

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