Chapter Sixteen: Medalinã

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Chapter wordcount- 6700 words. 

Got so held up in writing it that I didn't even notice how long it was. And that was about a year and a half ago. Now I  look back and wonder how a twelve-year-old wrote this...

*True pain is not to suffer, it is to watch someone you love suffer, because you feel pain ten times worse than they do*

They slowly looked into the pool. There they saw, a lady. A lady with snakes on her head instead of hair. With a snake tail in place of her feet. Their gaze followed the tail. At the end of the tail, they saw Lucinda's unconscious body. There was blood on and around her left arm. Jessica cupped her hands over her mouth. Suddenly the image zoomed on the lady's face.

"Miss Madeline!" Jessica gasped as she looked at the face of the lady clearly.

"Nice eye Ma chérie! You want your friend alive, then make the Monster stone for me. Once you make it, it will lead you to the Monster World's entrance and then you will be able to give it to me without anyone stopping you. You know what powers the Monster stone has. Without it, you can't even imagine getting inside the Monster World."

"First prove she's alive!" Queena said in her casual sweet voice.

"You want proof? Then see for yourself!" Madeline hissed. She flicked her finger and a stream of water fell suddenly on Lucinda's body. Slowly her eyes opened. She turned to her right and stood up with the help of her right hand which wrapped itself around the wound on her left arm the moment she got on her feet. "What happened?" she cried unstably looking around but gaped as she saw Madeline. "Medalinã!" she uttered furiously.

Madeline gave a simple but vicious smile. She narrowed her eyes at Lucinda. The pain flared and every muscle in her body tensed up. Straining to keep standing she waited for the pain to subside once again, as it has done hundreds of times before that year whenever she had nightmares. Every part of her body being ached for an answer to this feeling of misery and any answer that could bring relief was one worth considering. She didn't even realize how loud she was screaming or perhaps it was the pain that was sickening her; catching all of her attention. For a moment she thought about everything she might lose if she gives in to the pain and everything that would come of it. Fighting through the pain was becoming increasingly difficult, but above all else, it became increasingly annoying to have to deal with. But she was no longer able or perhaps simply unwilling to deal with the pain. She collapsed on the floor, feeling dead. She was conscious but was unable to move. Her eyes were open but had lost their charm. Tears of pain were dissolving themselves inside her blood. She was not the only person who was crying. Jessica's eyes had also given up. She couldn't watch it. Her tears obscured her vision. But Madeline hadn't given up. She was still giving her electric shocks that kept Lucinda awake. She stopped when Jessica finally turned away from the pool. "Oh! Got tired so fast! Well, I am having fun! Make the Monster stone for me or I'll give you some more proof of her being alive! I'll wait till tomorrow, morning. If I get the stone, you get your friend or-!" the scene vanished and all they could see inside the pool was blood.

"It's gone!" Jackson said slowly to Jessica who had turned her back to the pool, had her arms crossed and was looking at her feet, speechless.

"She's gone!" she said turning to face Jackson.

"We still have a chance!"

"No, we don't have! Making monster stone is impossible!"

"Someone must have made it before us!"

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