Chap4: Trust me

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*Maybe not all humans are bad. He didn't know who you were or why you chose to save him but he knew that he could trust you. You will definitely not hurt him he thought to himself as he smiled looking down at his connected hand with yours.*

You woke up as you heard some rustling, your neck aching as a result of your weird sleeping position. You saw Jimin smiling down at your hands. This was the first time you had seen Jimin smile, and what a beautiful smile it was. You could feel your own face stretching into a smile.

"Good morning Jimin" you said, your voice raspy due to sleep. Jimin had not noticed you waking up and said a small 'good morning', a pink color raising his cheeks. How does he look so cute even without trying you thought and ran your fingers through his messy, fluffy hair, without realizing. To your surprise, he didn't flinch or pull away from you. You were happy that you had made some progress.

You checked the clock and it was 10 already. You had forgotten about your colleagues and that you had to cook breakfast for them. Offering your hand to Jimin you said-"Let's have breakfast?" He took your hand and both of you made your way downstairs, but somebody was already in the kitchen.

As soon as you entered the kitchen, you turned around and said-"Really Hobi? It is 10 in the morning and in MY Kitchen?" you heard shuffling and hushed whispers. You didn't show it but were internally squealing at their romance. When you had entered the kitchen, you had seen Yoongi trapped between Hobi's arms as they were making out. They were so sickeningly cute.

"Sorry" Hobi said sheepishly. He looked behind you chuckled. You looked back and saw Jimin looking at his feet, his ears had turned pink. He was still processing the events. You chuckled at him and said- "Get used to Hobi's behavior, he is flirty AF" you said rolling your eyes at the end. Jimin nodded at you, still not very comfortable talking to you, but he was less anxious around you.

Yoongi was bringing out breakfast as he avoided eye contact with you. A flustered Yoongi, this is a rare sight, you thought and said smirking, "How did it taste?" and Yoongi almost choked on air "the food?" you added satisfied with yourself. He shot you a dirty look, typical Yoongi you thought.

"Where is Jason?" you asked noticing he was nowhere to be seen. "On the phone with Alpha. He is not very satisfied with our choices Y/n" he said, looking back at Jimin. Jimin slightly shrunk back moving closer to you, trying to make himself unnoticeable. "It was my choice I will talk to him at the agency" you said.

Just then Jason came in and immediately started checking on your wounds. He was such a worry brat. "I'm ok JJ, let's eat first I'm hungry" you said pouting at the end. JJ was the nickname you had given him. He chuckled and all of you sat at the dining table, except Jimin. "Come here" you said patting the seat beside you. He hesitated at first but obliged and sat down next to you, opposite to Yoongi.

The meal looked delicious. It was your favorite, pancakes. You put two each in your and Jimin's plate and asked him to choose his toppings. You added some honey on your pancake. Jimin looked around the table uncertain of how he is expected to behave right now. He knew you said that you wouldn't send him away, but what if you realize he is not a good hybrid and decide to send him away. What if it is a test to check his table etiquettes? Can he really sit with your friends and eat? Won't it be embarrassing for you? "Are you okay?" you asked him placing a hand on his shoulder and bringing him out of his spiraling thoughts.

"Yes mistress" he said deciding to stick with what he had been taught. He felt you physically cringe next to him at the word 'mistress'. "We've been through this Jimin, call me by my name, I don't mind" you said. "Okay" he said. He hesitantly put the same toppings as yours and began to eat quietly. He would not be lying if he said this was the best food he had ever had. The pancakes were fresh, fluffy and soft. He really liked the honey on top.

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