Chap 7: Family

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*You will definitely make him strong. Never will he rely on anyone for help; you had made up your mind.*

You woke up when you felt something shift on you. A warm heavy weight was settled on the right of your body. You opened your eyes to find Jimin almost sleeping on top of you. He still had his tail wrapped around your leg. You reached your hand to his head to shift him slightly off you. As soon as your hand made contact with his forehead, you realized that he was burning up. You shifted him slightly so he was lying on his back and checked his temperature with your hands. He was sick.

His face had blush high on his cheekbones and his breathing was uneven. You slowly tried to untangle his tail from your leg so you could get some medicines for him. You had almost done it when Jimin woke up his head scanning the room. He jumped on you when his eyes landed on you. You were caught off guard and fell back on the bed with Jimin on top of you. He was shivering; he said "Please don't leave me."

Why would he always think you would abandon or hurt him? But maybe it was too much for him after the horrible incident yesterday. You brushed the back of his head gently and told him "I will not leave you Jimin. You are a part of my family."

Family. Such a weird word isn't it? Family- a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit, according to the internet definition. But is it all family accounted for? Family for you had been much more than that. You had never exactly lived a proper life with your mom and father. For you, family had been the people who had loved you and cared for you when nobody was around to support you. Jason, Hobi, Yoongi, Namjoon, Taehyung, etc., they were your real family. And now Jimin was a part of it too.

"Then where are you going?" Jimin asked still not getting off you. "You are burning Jimin. I was about to get you some medicines. Don't worry, they are just here in the drawer I'll get them" you said still stroking his head. He slowly got off you and sat cross-legged on the bed. You went to the drawer beside your mirror and got some pills and handed it to him. "Wait here. I'll get some water for you" you told and made way towards the kitchen.

After Jimin had taken his pills, you checked his temperature with thermometer. It showed 100.5 F. "Jimin you are unwell. Should I call Hobi to check on you?" you asked sitting in front of him on the bed. "No... please don't want anyone" he said pulling on your shirt. "Okay. But can I call him and ask for his advice?" you asked.

You had been trained to look after injuries and fevers, but you had never treated a hybrid before and didn't want to jeopardize his health. "Okay" he said after thinking over it. Jimin still looked tired and weak so you told him to sleep to which he obliged, pulling the covers up to his face.

You called Hobi and told him about his symptoms. He told you the prescription and you noted it down. "Thank you Hobi" you told him. "No worries. Bye." He was about to end the call when you stopped him. "I don't know how to approach the topic... but how are things between you and Yoongi? I am really sorry that you guys argued that day because of me" you told him awkwardly.

"It is not your fault Y/n. Yoongi and I are fine. He just needs some time alone. He is... going through some stuff and has gone back to his hometown to sort his mind" he sighed and continued " He is fine and I'm fine" he told you.

"Are you both really okay?" you asked not completely convinced. "We will be. He said he needs a break. He just... is going through some stuff and said he didn't want to burden me with him and left the town. He occasionally messages me but that's all there to it. It is hard, you know. This is the first time in 2 years that we have gone without seeing each other" he told you, his voice cracking at the end.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I feel terrible. But, don't worry I know both of you will be alright. He loves you a lot and will soon be backing home" you consoled him, but felt terrible to be their tripping stone. "Yeah" said Hobi taking a deep breath. "And remember don't feed Jimin anything heavy, just some light food" he told you and ended the call.

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