Chap 11: Calm Before The Storm

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*You were in deep shit. But who would have snitched on you?*

You stared at your phone after Namjoon ended the call. You felt your hands tremble. You weren't scared for yourself; you were scared about Jimin. Namjoon would obviously not be biased and take the decision based on the greater good, but was the greater good, good for you?

You called Jimin who picked up the call after three rings. "Good morning, Y/n," Jimin said happily. "We have a problem," you said, getting directly to the main point. "What's wrong?" asked Jimin, concerned. "I think Namjoon knows. We have been ordered to the agency," you said, rubbing your forehead.

"Oh," was all Jimin could say. He remembered his first visit to the agency and Namjoon. Namjoon was a good person, but his persona still intimidated Jimin. Jimin was in awe when he first met Namjoon, but the strong aura that demanded respect was not something Jimin was used to just yet.

"I'm so sorry Jimin. I will come and pick you up in 20 minutes. Have your breakfast and get dressed," you told him. He agreed and you cut the call with a huge sigh. How could Namjoon know about Jimin's past? It was only you, Jimin, Kook, and Jin who knew his secret. None of you had snitched, so who was behind this?

You were feeling angry. You had grown a strange kind of affection over Jimin and the thought of him being in danger scared you.

You picked up Jimin. Jungkook insisted on coming with you, but you denied him. Things would get intense if Kook's emotions were also thrown into the mix. Taehyung had agreed to look after all the meetings by himself. So you drove up to the multi-storied building and walked in. Jimin held your hand just like the first time. But this time it was more confident and less thought through.

You arrived at the conference room. You looked at Jimin, who nodded at you, then let out a sigh, before pushing the doors open and moving past them. And the person sitting beside Namjoon at the long table shocked you.

"JIN?!" you said astonished, shocked, bewildered, angry, betrayed, and so many other intense emotions. Jimin also looked taken aback. You just stared at Jin, mouth agape. "How could you?" you said, your voice coming out as a whisper.

"Ahem." Namjoon said, in an attempt to draw your attention towards him. You pushed anger down and straightened up before saying "Agent Alpha," as a greeting. Jimin also instinctively straightened his posture and almost bowed to Namjoon. He gestured towards the seats, asking you to seat yourselves. Jimin silently sat beside you, trying hard not to make eye contact with anybody.

You glared at Jin as you sat opposite him and beside Namjoon. You felt Jimin's tail wrap around your wrist, calming you down a little. You should be comforting Jimin, not the other way around. Namjoon looked at you and then Jimin without saying anything. If looks could kill, you were sure you would be six feet under.

"Would you like to explain yourself Agent Delta?" Namjoon asked you; his tone was flat and you were not able to comprehend his emotions or thoughts. Years of training had made you capable enough to read anyone based on their body language, but not Namjoon. He knew how to conceal his emotions. He wasn't the head of your group, and your idol, for nothing.

You looked down at your lap. You didn't know what to tell him. Tell him that the prospect of losing someone you just met weeks ago scares you? Tell him that Jimin is more than just your hybrid to you? What were you supposed to say? "I hadn't confirmed the information, Alpha. I wanted to make sure that the information was correct before letting you know," you said, trying to not let your voice waver.

"Is the accuracy of the information a prerequisite to inform me?" he asked you, looking you straight in the eyes. Suddenly your throat was extremely dry, "No Alpha," you said. "Then why didn't you?" he asked you calmly. You looked down at your lap. "Finding the accuracy of the data is not your work. We have experts for that," he said plainly, instantly cutting down all of your arguments.

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