Chapter 8

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"Caroline, love, don't worry I'll get you," Klaus said it out loud, as if his voice could actually reach that huge castle and Caroline could hear him. But Klaus had already decided that he would do anything to save Caroline, even if it meant getting through this so called Enchanted Forest to do it!

He didn't know how he had gotten here or what 'here' even was, but he had been following the gang for a while now and had made out that he was in some kind of land of fairy tales. So if Caroline was Sleeping Beauty, which Klaus had to admit was a perfect fit for her, then all he had to do to save her was give her a kiss.

Taking a deep breath, Klaus got ready to save his one true love.

Tyler was on the other side of that castle. The creature had dropped him off there and Tyler was thankful for it too. Now all he had to do was get through that front door, get Caroline and get out of here. What Tyler didn't know though was that it wasn't going to be so simple. As soon as Tyler opened the door to the castle, he came face to face with a fire breathing dragon.

"Oh crap," Tyler breathed, diving to the side just as a huge ball of fire burst out of the dragon's snout. He was immediately on his feet the next second and was ready to rip this giant apart.

The castle shook because of the loud roar that rumbled throughout its structure with the dragon being the main cause of it. As Tyler was thinking of a way to kill the dragon while simultaneously defending himself from its blows, he spotted a silver sword stuck in the floor at the corner of the room.

Now to reach the sword, he'd have to get past the dragon and try pulling the sword out. To do that, he'd need two things, one of which he knew that he had. The first would be a distraction that would keep the dragon distracted for long enough so that Tyler could manage to reach the sword and the second would be a whole lot of upper body strength to pull the sword out.

'Distraction. DISTRACTION. D I S T R A C T I O N.' Tyler kept repeated the word in his mind, scanning his surroundings while hiding himself from the dragon successfully behind a bunch of wooden crates.

It was enormous with purple scales that glinted and reflected the light from the sun. Its tail whipped from one side to another, breaking and shattering everything that it came in contact with and Tyler could only hope that it came nowhere near the crates. He could hear every heavy breath that the creature took and his own ragged breaths along with it. The massive bulk went from one place to another, letting out a loud roar as if challenging the puny hybrid to show himself.

That was when Tyler finally got the chance to sprint towards the sword. The dragon had its back to him and by the time it turned around to face him, he already had the sword in his hand and was ready to fight the dragon.

Klaus risked a smile as he saw the last remains of the Enchanted Forest disappear right before his eyes and now the only thing separating him from Caroline and the castle was a huge wall. He didn't even have to move more than a couple of muscles to reach out and punch the wall, and just a couple more to watch it crumble right in front of him.

Walking right past it, he ripped the door off of its hinges and ran up the stairs leading to Caroline's room. He would've gone straight into the room if only he hadn't heard Tyler's voice first.

Tyler. Just the name made him want to destroy everything he laid his eyes on, but he had promised Caroline that he would be civil towards Tyler and he was going to stand by that promise.

He walked inside to see Tyler kissing a sleeping Caroline and every ounce of him wanted to pounce on Tyler and rip him to bits but he managed to control himself.

"What are you doing here? How did you even get here?" Tyler questioned when he laid eyes on him and Klaus noticed that Caroline hadn't even stirred after Tyler had pulled away. So it looked like the kiss hadn't worked.

"Well, I think the question you should be asking yourself is why isn't Caroline waking up? Looks like you aren't her true love after all," Klaus snickered, feeling even better to see Tyler getting angrier.

"Maybe the spell doesn't work that way! Maybe...." Tyler trailed off, not knowing any other explanation.

"Maybe you should let me try it," Klaus said with a wink and pushed Tyler to the side. Taking a deep breathe, he looked at Caroline who looked more beautiful than sleeping beauty herself.

He stepped towards her bed and whispered the words ever so softly, "I love you Caroline my love," and then dipped down, softly holding her head before fully kissing her on the lips.

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