Chapter 11

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"Hey Stefan," Damon called out as they walked through the dark woods which seemed to be leading to nowhere in particular, "If Elena's Katniss, does that make you Gale and me Peeta?"

Stefan just glared at his brother, tired and pissed. They had been walking on this yellow brick road again for a while now and there was only so much of Damon's attitude that he could tolerate in a day.

"I don't think I want to be Peeta," Damon continued to talk, pretending that he couldn't see Stefan's death glare.

"The only thing you're going to be is dead meat if you don't shut up," Rebekah called out from right behind him. Before Damon could react though, Sherry suddenly stopped walking and the others felt confused, not seeing or sensing a threat nearby.

"Bekah," Sherry stretched out the Original vampire's name, "I don't really want to make you uncomfortable but I think that's Elijah and Katherine out in the fields."

Everybody looked in the direction that Sherry had pointed to and, sure enough, saw Elijah and Katherine kissing each other.

"I don't think that we should interrupt them," Sherry said, not knowing what to do. Every single one of them was clearly uncomfortable, one more so than the others.

"Elijah!" Rebekah called out to him, appearing next to him a second later, "Don't you know that you are supposed to be following the brick road?"

"Rebekah," Elijah looked over at her, not expecting her to have found him so quickly, "I was searching for you everywhere. I was worried about you"

"Oh I could see how very concerned you were for my well-being, brother," Rebekah said, giving Katherine the dirty-eye. "But we must hurry."

As they started walking again, there was an awkward silence amongst the group members. They tried hard not to stare at Katherine or Elijah or alternate between looking at the both of them.

"So, Katherine and Elijah, huh," Damon said, not even trying to act like he hadn't seen the scene that had taken place out in the fields, "has a nice ring to it."

"I ship it!" Sherry spoke up, agreeing with Damon.

"You ship everything," Damon said with a roll of his eyes.

"You should be thankful for that. You know that I choose to ship Delena over Stelena , which makes me think about what Katherine and Elijah's ship name should be," Sherry said excited clapping her hands together.

"Kelijah?" Bonnie questioned.

"Katjah or Elirine?" Jeremy tried testing the words in his mouth but frowned when none of them made any sense.

What about Etherine?" Rebekah asked, joining in with their little game.

"I got it," Sherry suddenly exclaimed, "Pikaelson."

"It does have a nice ring to it," Stefan admitted. Sherry grinned at his response.

"Stefan!" Elena glared at him.

"Oh come on Elena," Damon said, "lighten up a little bit."

"Well if they get a ship name, don't you think that Matt and Rebekah should get one too?" Elena asked all of a sudden, a small smile on her face. "I vote for Dikaelson!"

"Monovan?" Elijah suddenly spoke up.

"Hey guys," Sherry gave a short laugh, "How about Ratt?

"Mebekah's better, don't you think?" Katherine suggested.

"We can use both," Bonnie said, "Mebekah Dikaelson."

I think Ratt Monovan sounds better," Jeremy said with a chuckle.

"Is that Nik?" Rebekah pointed at the two people walking on the road some distance in front of them.

" Niklaus is with a woman," Elijah stated.

"Oh not him too," Rebekah covered her face with her hands.

"It's Caroline!" Elena burst out running towards them, "She's with Klaus." Bonnie sprinted towards them too, right behind Elena.

"What's Klaus doing with Caroline?" Jeremy questioned, "And where's Tyler?"

"Hence the ship name Klaroline," Sherry quietly said to him.

"Looks like the Torwood ship just sank," Jeremy replied with a grimace.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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