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Chapter 9:The battle with the orcs

We were meeting and l introduced the kijins with the rest then after a few minutes. A sudden dryad named treyni wanted to talk with me which l allowed. She bowed and asked for my guidance to help fend off and defeat the orc lord which I agreed immediately. I then introduced veldora to all of them which made them shiver and faint in shock. Then a quick flashback a group of lizardmen came then due to their irritating attitude l let gobta beat them into pulp which they run away. Then in the midst of a battle that stupid idiot made a rebellion that had been reported me by souei (one of my husbands)then l told him to rescue the lizardmen chief. I then proceed to the orcs battle. The kijin fought them together with the goblin riders which then thei have managed to kill for about 50,000 then those souls enables me to have the demon lord seed it is connected to me after all due to the soul corridor. Then l battled the orc lord then l devoured him. Then l actually noticed that some demon lords are spying on me which I let them be. Then after that the kijins decided that they wanted to still continue on serving me. Not to mention the Great jura tempest has made a big alliance called "THE GREAT JURA TEMPEST FEDERATION" under me as the ruler. I then named the orcs and lizardmens that I took under ky command. The lizardmen evolved into dragonewts while the orcs evolved into high orcs. All of them are a sage level. I then took gabiru under my command. Rewrite his name then named him again which caused him to have a humanoid form same with geld.
After 3 months
Our civilization in iur country is becoming an otherworlders inspired country made with fine otherworlders roads and American houses and European buildings. Ugh such a bliss.
Then gazel the king of the dwarves decide to come over and is shocked at first by our country tnat obviously surpassed his stupid country. Then he can't believe that l am the one who defeated the orc lord and challenge me into a fight using swords. He taken out his legendary sword and is waiting for me to take my sword out then l told him that my finger is more than enough. It looks like he felt that I'm looking down on him which l did not its just that his weak. I saw this on shaltear bloodfallen in my world in an overlord anime then l did it as well. My fingers versus his sword. His frustrated cause my pinky finger  and my posture is irritating him. He can't even inflict a scratch on me because of my finger is deflecting it. But his sword is full of scratches.Then he took his final stance attack which l catched with my bare fingers and everyone in the scene is so shock then he gave up and decided to talk to me after finding out that he can't defeat me let alone stand against me. Then l saw my husband's grins. I then invited them in and they are still looking with sparkling eyes then we ate desserts which made them shiver in excitement and pleasure. Then we went on a meeting then l selled them our 100%full potion. They are shocked but after that we went into an alliance with both of our country tempest and dwargon. He also wanted me to be his junior and him to be my senior which made me irritated and loiks at him with killing intent eyes with despair aura that l emitt everyone in the room is trembling in fear and so does he. Then l told him that" l am not you're junior nor student, learn your place!"which he said sorry and decided so kneel and bow for his stupidness. Then next day he came back and offer me a gift that is vesta. This asshole l didn't actually need him since l have better doctors and scientists than him but he and gazel beg so does kaijin. Then l told them "Fine but make sure that he well succeed on making one" which he bowed and reassured me that l will be helpful to him. He then saw our "TEMPEST SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE LABORATORY AGENCY" which made him shocked and faint. Well can't blame him. Then after he woke up he wanted to learn right away then decide to work hard under the doctors and scientists under my command.

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