Insprised by some ao3story I forgot what it was called

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Xie lian wondered if he had taken his teasing too far,hua cheng. Smooth, slippery, cool hua cheng was getting frustrated and he knew it, he had never seen the ghost king ever get this annoyed and that was saying something. Half of his personality was staying calm no matter the situation. Xie lian had expected getting this far under hua chengs skin would take a lot more effort than this, but just one "friendly'' touch on the inside of his thigh and a light nudge between his legs during a meeting seemed to be enough.
It wasn't long after the meeting before hua cheng had called Xie lian to his office, pulling him in by the wrists. The harsh sound of skin meeting skin could be heard directly from outside of hua chengs office, the ghost king did not doubt that banyue could possibly hear it from the floor below, and anyone from the gamblers den could enter the room at any time. Hua cheng couldn't remember if he had locked the door before he had invited the crown prince to his office for an innocent "inquiry."
Maybe he hadn't but the risk of someone walking in and seeing how vulnerable Xie lian was currently when he had always appeared untouchable and stoic turned him on even more.
Xielian was a writhing mess on his lap, his body was shaking and he couldn't keep himself up without hua cheng supporting him with an arm wrapped loosely around his waist, his usually neatly done braids were slowly coming undone the more hua cheng thrust into the prince
"You always push me Xielian , you know that?" Hua cheng asked casually, thumb tracing over a hardened nipple on Xielians pale, lovemarked chest, ignoring Xielian 's whimpers and shaking thighs. Teasing me all day every day, you think I don't notice the not so innocent things you do, especially when there's an audience thinking you're safe because we're at work?" He tweaked the nipple between his thumb and forefinger, milking moans out of his partner.It's a bit cruel wouldn't you agree?" Xielian was panting and shivering from hua chengs simple small talk, acting like he wasn't in the sexual situation that he was participating in. "You tease and tease and tease." Hua cheng whispered hotly into Xielian 's ear, tongue gently licking his earlobe. "And then wonder why you get fucked senseless afterwards."
Only one of hua chengs hands were pressed into Xielian 's hip, the other hand tracing patterns and gently touching the smooth skin before him, the princes cock was painfully hard and even more painfully ignored as touched everything on his body besides the one thing that demanded attention.
"I bet you enjoy getting fucked out of your brains like this? Don't you?"Hua cheng said, a finger gently stroking down Xie lian's neglected cock, he didn't touch it nor stimulate it, simply teasing him with the idea of what he could do at any time he pleased. Xie lian nodded as best as he could, moving his hips against hua chengs inconsistent thrusts. It felt like hua cheng was simply warming up and not even taking this seriously, either way It was an understatement to say Xie lian was sex-hazed even with hua cheng not putting full effort in, he felt so weak against him and he wanted more, inhaling the sexual drive like a drug. Xie lians vision felt blurry as hua cheng kept talking while fucking him so erratically like it was mundane task he had to do.
It was scary to think that hua cheng could do so much more if he wanted to, being sexually involved with him was a risk because hua cheng was never consistent with what he wanted and how he acted in a bedroom situation. He could either make Xie lian cum 3 times then fuck him until the next day, or make Xie lian suffice with one handjob and decide that was enough.
Today was not a one handjob type of sex day.
"Please." Xie lian managed to pant out, desperately trying to move against Hua chengs 's cock inside him.
"Please what." Hua cheng asked innocently, allowing one much harder thrust then his other partially lax ones.
"Please, p-please let me-"
Hua cheng thumbed the slit of his partner's exposed member, pre-come coating his fingers, Xie lian 's words being cut off by an unexpected moan.
"Oh, so sorry what was that?"Plea-"
Hua cheng placed more pressure on the slit just to tease of course, it was cruel to tease like this, maybe, but watching Xie lian get so flustered and worked up made it oh so worth it.
"I apologise my dear you might have to repeat that." He grinned, watching Xie lian's face turn red and more sexually frustrated, knuckles turning white as he clutched onto hua chengs bare shoulders.
Eyes closed as he tried to move himself harder against Hua cheng 's dick, trying to get the extra bit of stimulation hua cheng refused to give him. The effort was adorable and he knew how embarrassed Xie lian was, how much of his ego he was killing so he supposed he deserved a little reward.
He pushed the prince against his desk, Xie lian eyes opening in shock as his back hit the desks flat surface, hua cheng thrusted into Xielian properly now. The raw sound of skin hitting skin was much louder than before, loud cries from Xie lian as he got fucked harder, drool slowly dripping from his open mouth.
"Please, please please." Xie lian chanted, tears falling from his eyes as his legs that were around hua cheng waist gave out and fell to the desks surface, his arms held on but he could feel the shaking against the side of his neck.
"Touch you?" Hua cheng asked, hand ghosting near Xie lian's leaking cock. Xie lian nodded as best as he could, the start of the word 'Please' formed at his lips before hua cheng grabbed his member and sloppily stroked it from the base to the tip in time of his hips moving. Now that Xie lian 's legs were down he could angle himself better, testing different spots, until one specific thrust made Xie lian scream, his back arched against the table, cheeks flushing red as let out a pleasured moan.
That's the spot .
He angled his hips to hit that spot again, slamming himself in roughly again, Xie lian was shaking against him now, nails scraping against his back as his body went lax against Hua cheng
"Come on." Xie lian whispered into hua cheng neck, hands shaking and gripping tighter.
Now I know I spoil you." Hua cheng chuckled. "You expect so much even after being such a brat."
"You le- let me be one." Xie lian huffed, a weak smile growing on his face as his walls tightened around hua cheng cock. "F-finish me off now, im your, slut after all."
Hua cheng raised an eyebrow. "If you can still make full sentences and talk back i'm not doing enough am I?"
Xie lian smirked. "De-definitely not, give me all you've got ghost king ."
Hua cheng assumed he was close, Xie lian always got chatty when he knew he wasn't going to last much longer, he increased the speed of his hand, still hitting his prostate hard with every slam of his hips against Xie lian .
Dipping his lips down to meet with Xie lian , tongues swirling as Xie lian body got hotter and hotter, his nails scratching harder, he was almost sobbing at this point, cheeks wet with tears.
Xie lian let out a pleasured cry as one particularly hard thrust undid the crowned prince , white painted both males stomachs as he reached his limit, he went limp against hua cheng who smiled, satisfied at his oversensitized lover.
M' all yours." Xie lian murmured weakly, his arms loosely linked around hua Chengs neck.
Hua cheng kissed Xie lian's forehead before slamming his hips harder inside Xie lian to find his own release, drinking in all the weak cries from Xie lian's spent body. He managed three more thrusts before giving in to his own orgasm, cum filling Xie lian's ass to the vrim, some spilling out onto the polished wood table.
Hua cheng rode out his high before pulling out and weakly falling back into his chair, his head falling back as he caught his breath. There were only a few moments of quietness and calmness before Xie lian gingerly sat up, looking down at his sticky covered skin.
"Well we made a mess."
"We can clean it up later, c'mere." Hua cheng said, hand patting his thighs.
"I might not be able to stand up to be honest." Xie lian said, a small smile growing on his face as he took hua chengs outstretched hand and took a seat on Hua Chengs bare thighs.
Hua cheng gently touched Xie lian's face, kissing his cheeks, his nose, his forehead, his neck and shoulders.
"You're so pretty."
"And you just fucked my brains out." Xie lian chuckled softly, leaning his head on Hua cheng shoulder.
"And i'd do it again."
"I can't wait."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2022 ⏰

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