Moving In

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        "This is it." I kissed Dad goodbye before setting my luggage down on the cold cement. If Mom were here right now, she'd probably be laughing. Normally if my parents and I even went on vacation, I'd pack my whole bedroom. But since I'll be staying with my aunt, I thought it'd be courteous to just pack lightly. 

        "Now remember, your aunt did mention that thre are other tenants living here." I rolled my eyes. How could I not remember? The whole ride here from Ganngam, Dad kept mentioning the other tenants and how I had to be on my best behavior. The only thing that I know is that there are ten of them and that I'm thanking God that my aunt's giving me a room with my own bathroom. There's no way I'd be able to share a bathroom with ten strangers. My aunt's mansion only has four other bathrooms. No matter how you look at it, our bathroom schedules were bound to overlap. 

        "Yes, Dad. Now hurry before you miss your flight!" I waved goodbye as I watched my dad disappear down Aunt Minah's cobblestone driveway. Before I even rang the doorbell I heard a sultry voice go, "Hold on, I'm coming." and before I knew it, a familiar face opened the door.

        "Sehun?" I asked, my eyes bulging out of their sockets.

        "Suzy? What are you doing here? I thought you were the pizza delivery guy." Sehun looked behind me, puzzled.

        "I should be asking you the same question." 

        "I live here. So do the others."

        I raised an eyebrow. "Others?"

        "Yeah. Me and the rest of Exo. Are you Minah's niece?"

        I couldn't believe it. Out of all the people in Seoul, I just had to be sharing a house with the hottest guys in school, maybe even the hottest guys in Seoul. "Yeah. Where is she???"

        "She stepped out for a bit. She's shopping for groceries. In the mean time, the guys and I can help you get settled in. You're sleeping upstairs, your room is across from mines." And just like that, Sehun picks up my two bags and marches up the stairs. It takes my mind a while to register everything. I'm going to be living with Exo. 

        "Guys come out! Minah's niece is here!" Sehun shouts. One by one, doors on both sides of the hallway slam open and it felt like a dream. The first one to greet me was the one from my study hall. I've never really talked to him before because he's always surrounded by other girls. 

        "Suzy right? I think we have study hall together. Nice to officially meet you, I'm Kai." Smiling brightly (I never noticed how nice Kai's smile was), he extended a hand out to me. I shook it a little too eagerly. Kai is considered to be the hottest guy in our grade but I haven't seen him this up close before.

        After Kai, D.O. and Chanyeol greeted me and I was taken a bit aback by their deep voices. The only Exo member I've ever talked to was Sehun and that's only because we sit next to each other in Vocal Class. He seems really passionate when it comes to performing and I really admire him for that.

        Suho greeted me with a great, big smile and to be honest, its kind of contagious. I always see Suho around and everyone says he's very polite. He seems to make people around him comfortable really easily just like he's doing with me right now. If it weren't for Suho, I'd be so tense. What a great quality for him to have considering he's the president of his class. Besides Sehun and Kai, the rest of the Exo members are upperclassmen and I don't have any classes with them. But even though this is my first time meeting Suho, I already feel close with him.

        Chen and Lay also greeted me and they reminded me so much of Dad. They were both in their pajamas even though it was already noon and Lay was scarfing on a bag of shrimp chips. 

        Finally Tao and Xiumin greeted me and although they're both older than me--like all the other members except for Sehun and Kai--I found them strangely adorable. Tao was wearing a white shirt with a cat on it and Xiumin sorta resembles a cat.

        After unpacking I headed downstairs and the guys had a movie playing. I plopped down next to Sehun on the floor. "What are you guys watching?"

        "Miracle in Cell No. 7." Sehun replied unconscious as he stuffed his face with more of Lay's shrimp chips. As we sat there in the living room in silence, everyone focused on the movie, I realized I was gonna like it here. I've never had roommates before and now I have ten of them.


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