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(A/N: I know some of these aren't accurate but pretend it is possible for the story. Also Y/n is bisexual here.)

warnings: swearing, mentions of drug addiction and killing

You're a shadowhunter-vampire hybrid. You're friends with the Mikaelsons and the Salvatore brothers. The Mikaelsons own Mystic Falls Highschool, Elijah is the principal. You were engaged to Alec Lightwood. The engagement was called off because Alec realized that he's gay, fell in love with Magnus Bane and got married. You and Alec remained friends and are still protective over each other. You became good friends with Magnus as well. (Shadowhunters are immortal here.)

(Aliens don't exist, the Avengers are just SHIELD agents.) Natasha will use the name Natalie Rushman while Wanda will use Wendy Maxwell. (A/N: I couldn't think of any other name for Wanda. Lol.)


Fury's POV

There has been news about animal attacks and missing people in Mystic Falls, Virginia. At first, I thought authorities could handle this. But when I found out that all victims were drained of blood, I figured it's not normal. We have to find out what kind of creature this is, especially since most victims are found near the highschool area. So I called a meeting for Romanoff and Maximoff.

"Ladies, I have a mission for you both." I slid the files on the table towards them, "I know you guys are aware of the news about the missing people and animal attacks happening in Mystic Falls, Virginia. I think this is the first time I've heard something like this..." I looked at Romanoff who has her feet up on the chair next to her while Maximoff is playing with the pen she's holding. These motherfuckers... we're literally in a meeting... I sighed mentally and continued as they read the files.

"What they didn't say on the news is that victims' bodies are all drained of blood. I don't think that an animal did this. I don't know what kind of creature... maybe hydra is active again and made something... but I'm certain it's not an animal. So, I want both of you to go undercover as teachers in Mystic Falls Highschool. Everything you need to know is in the files I gave you. The papers for your application in the school have already been taken care of as well, so you can start on Monday. I'll be visiting you guys and send the others if needed." With that, the two women nodded and left as they took the files with them.

Y/n's POV

It's been two weeks since Elijah called me and asked for help about this attack that's been happening around Mystic Falls. I'm glad I didn't sell my house here, so we have a place to stay. Alec and I have been going to school and observing but we still have no idea of who's behind it and it's frustrating. It has been centuries since something like this happened.

Plus I have to pretend to be a teenager and I'm literally in highschool– again. Don't get me wrong, I like learning and all... but I already know all of this shit and some kids are just unbearable. I looked at the time... It's 9:15am. I sighed deeply.

"You okay there, love?" Alec asked me, rubbing my back. We still call each other pet names whenever we know something's bothering either one of us or just teasing each other in a flirty way. Magnus is used to that.

I just nodded. "Yeah, I just... it's been a while since attacks like this happened, you know?" I looked at him and he nodded. "Also... I can't believe I'm back in highschool and I'd have to deal with these kids." I giggled a bit.

He let out a small laugh knowing I don't like socializing especially with people who are loud and most of the kids at school are really loud. "I know... don't worry, we'll find whoever is behind all this." He paused a bit and continued, "And hey, Rebekah and I are there with you so it'll be somehow bearable, right?" He said, bumping my shoulder.

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