The Four Wands: Part 1

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[This is the beginning to a Harry Potter spin-off called The Four Wands. Hopefully you'll like it and if there's a demand, I'll continue it :)]

A great surge of light beamed inside Harry's soul, one can sense the awestruck power in him. Harry snapped the Elder wand. The Deathly Hallows was no more. As the trio faced the future that lies on the other side of the Sun, Neville stands once again within the Great Hall. Despite the blood-stained cardigan he wears and the limp leg he carries, he attempted to walk to Professor McGonnagall only to meet him half way through the ruins.

"Dear me Mr Longbottom! Seems like Voldemort left quite a scar on you. Let me see." The curious professor lifted the student's cardigan and at the corner of the boy's eyes he noticed Luna glaring and staring at him. He bursted into a smirk as McGonnagall poked his bare belly, abs to be precise. The light seeped through the rubble to only create lust within Luna's eyes. "Vulnera Sanentur." His legs still felt numb. "Ossio Dispersimus." The colour of lustful eyes were silver grey but Neville knew those were the eyes of his true love. Meanwhile, Ron came back to the great hall and clutched the remains of his older brother Fred. The four siblings imitated the elements of the world, one couldn't live without each other; but that's the beauty of our world, they can adjust to new circumstances, even if it's Death.

On the third day after the Battle of Hogwarts, the faculty, the students and families of the deceased gathered around the centre of the forbidden forest to bury all of those lost in the war. The reformed Ministry of Magic had few of their trusted members attend alongside the girls of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and the previous competitors of Durmstrang Institute. There were also unnamed decent officials of presumably foreign powers. Hagrid rounded up the Hippogriffs and the Centaurs so that no one could disturb the ceremony. There were hundreds of open graves with stone slabs with personalised dedications already written, amongst these graves stood Dumbledore's gigantic statue where he was reallocated. Harry was dumbfounded about Dumbledore: was he a great man or not? For Snape became the light out of the past seven years, his whole life in fact.

"We mourn today for those who have fallen in the Battle of Hogwarts, for those who have defended the truth and the faith that we all have in the historic school of Hogwarts. We have proven that they should never tickle a sleeping dragon of Hogwarts. Hogwarts still stand because of them." Harry took a moment before stepping down to the podium and heading to Ginny. He broke down and cried as he took his spectacle off and hugged his girlfriend. The problem with Harry is sometimes you see him, sometimes you don't but when you do, you see his real personality. Each family member, the closest one lifted the wands of their loved ones and lifted the dead to their final resting place, the place to take a quick nap in some's opinion, quicker than falling asleep. Seeing George lay down his other half was the hardest to see, he crumbled to his knees with the tears falling to the rich soil without any noise. Fred will never see the living day again.

A few decades has past, but not a year did they not mourn for the fallen wizards. Professor Potter taught Defence against Dark Arts, he loved teaching his students to summon their patronus as it was simply magical. Professor Grainger was in fact the successor of Minerva Mcgonagall after she died fighting the Dissent Unit: a new resistance in search for the Deathly Hallows, under the allusion that the Elder wand was still at large. Only the three knew about the facts, everyone else knew about the myths. For former Professor Wesley, a school cannot contain him. Therefore he roamed the world in search for discoveries - frankly he just wanted to be on an adventure. That adventure came to a halt as he returns to Hogwarts...

"Professor Grainger will see you now Professor Weasley." A witch pointed the office,
"Please it's Ron, Ron Weasley,"
"I have a husband."
"Thanks for the way." His quick affair was too soon to have been crushed. Same old hallways, same old staircases. The ancient crippled door creaked open, the piercing light approached Weasley's shoes and so he saw Hermione. Stood in a dark suede cape facing the windows overlooking the courtyard, her silk-like brunette hair swished as she turned to face her dear husband. "Honey, I'm home."
"What took you so long?" Hermione and Harry asked at the same time. The ginger was stirred with annoyance as he didn't have a moment of peace with his wife. The Dark Arts professor persisted on asking about Ron's discoveries, he hoped Ron Weasley would say what he wants him to say,
"Well, in the muggle world there were more frequent natural disasters ever since the Elder was broken. I dug a bit deeper into this and-"
"The Elder wand is in the hands of the Dissent Unit!" Hermione stomped the ground in rage, students shrieked at the seismic wave on the ground.
"No. Thank goodness no! But if I'm right, the Elder Wand released four wands into the world." The two was astounded by this theory, Death could give life? "These four wands each controls the elements of the planet: Air, Earth, Water and Fire."
"This is truly significant! Four element-based wands! Imagine the new possibilities and-"
"A new curriculum to teach?" Harry moaned in despair. Professor Grainger eyed the man to silence.
"They need to have owners. The wands are causing all of the ruckus in the muggle world because they're simply untamed." It was truly a gift to the new generations of wizards, very different from what they were used too. "The Auror at Southern Cuba knew the names of the wands: Ignition wand, Torrent wand, Rune wand and the Drift wand." Potter was simply in awestruck, his face lit up shown through his gaping mouth. Professor Grainger lifted her wand to note this down on her notebook, the flickering of the page was audible.
"So what's your plan Ron?" He shrugged with a blank face. "Surely we must conceal them before the Dissent Unit heard about this."
"Well that's the point, they did. That's why the Southern Cuban Auror I talked to was a ghost." A drift came into the room. The hung portraits were shaken, they contained Hermione's guardians but they did not move. Harry, facing opposite sensed darkness entering the room.
"Cave inimicum!" The other two followed after being startled by Harry. He always had a sharp feel for magic, ever since he heard of the Dissent Unit. The drift became more apparent and a subtle rose appeared, fragments of it formed from nothing. Potter knew too well who this was from, "Lumos maximums," the flower withered violently as thorny vines sprouted. As the Rose withered, with it sprung Resentia. "How dare thee defile the air?" His eyebrows crossed as Harry grew resent.
"Shakespeare was my lover not my life!" It was true. Shakespeare was a muggle-born wizard. He was a great professor of History of Magic at Hogwarts itself. Her crinkled hands were not reflective of her youthful face. To compare it to milk would be an abomination. But her heart was jet black. Resentia spoke with a seductive mellow voice, "Terra wants to see you. She's holding ginger capture as your incentive." He turned. She turned. There was nothing left but his clothes slowly descending to the wooden floor. She didn't budged, but simply fluttered her eyelids and finally closed her eyes.
"Vatican Cameos!"
"Confundo!" The spell of confusion, "Bombarda Maxima!" The spell of destruction, "Expulso!" The spell of pressure, "Duro!" The spell of hardening. Hermione casted a powerful spell whilst Harry casted the complimentary spells. All of this happened in four seconds. Harry Potter confused Resentia. He detonated the room. He compressed her. He turned her into stone. Hermione Grainger transported them to Ron Weasley's exact location.
"Oh dear god."

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