Panacea: Author's note

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Hello there! I'm writing this for the #JustWriteIt challenge for April. This month the hashtag is #EarthLove and it needs to be about a story of life living on another planet. Now for those of you who reads my novels (a thousand thank yous to all), I'm not typically the sci-fi writer. I'm a romantic and satirical author so this is out of my comfort zone. But alike most decisions I've made in life, I like a challenge. My goal is to get 10k words by April 22 which is Earth day. I've decided that five chapters ought to do the trick, but if I seem to like it or you guys ask for more (please sir, can I have some more?), I'll probably continue it into a short story of mine. Thank you for bearing with me and I hope you'd like the characters of Panacea.

Side note: How ironic, co-incidental and perfect is it that my title is panacea and that I've chose this title for my collection of short stories months before the hashtag?

More will be posted about the prologue of Panacea and it's characters!

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