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What is LOVE? 

That is the question that we can easily define but hard to prove. Many people know how to love but not a true love, or we can say "puppy love". Being In love to someone whom you adored makes you the happiest woman/man in the world. 

But, what if the world is against your happiness or other people keep on telling that you are not good to each other nor you are not meant to be. Are you going to fight for your love or you just follow what other tells you!

It is hard to choose whether you follow your own happiness or what other people tells you! But always remember that, in every decision you make there is always pros and cons. It may hurt others feelings or your feelings.

Loving someone makes our fluttered and makes us the happiest human on earth, but how can we be happy if the one that we love is also the one can break our heart. The one who broke his promise and the one who change us. 

In this world full of uncertainties, the best part of it is to love YOU!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 04 ⏰

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