chapter 1: reincarnation

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Shinobu POV :
Huh? Is this what happens after you die? it was warm and dark; I tried speaking, but no sound came out. I tried moving, but both my arms and feet felt numb. Guess I am stuck here for the mean time. I should start thinking of a plan?

Or maybe I should nap....what do I do? is this what it's like to be dead? it was kind of boring and quiet, but peaceful at the same time.


Time skip 9 month

I was just sleeping when all of a sudden I felt like I was being crushed by a rock.

After a couple of hours I was finally able to see a light - it was so bright, but it was freezing. I felt like someone was rapping a blanket around me.

I finally started to hear some voices. One belonged to a woman; her voice was so soft and sad. the other voice was one of a man - His voice sounded smooth and a stern he sounded very disappointed, and maybe mad

"Another girl" he scoffed, looking at me with a frown

" no" the woman suddenly exclaimed in a panic "please, I will make another one!I promise it will be a boy this time - isn't that what you want?!" she was know begging and crying, and I felt pity for this woman.

" Enough , I am too tired for this, just name her already " the man exclaimed.

" Shinobu.... seishin Shinobu" the woman instantly replied, Do you like it!? wait where are you going!? don't you want to hold your child!? " I'm confused...did I go back in time? But that doesn't make any sense, they don't sound like my parents. Something is definitely wrong here.

I heard a door getting slammed and footsteps fading away. Wait, Did I -
Shinobu go back in time!? No, That can't be. As I already said before they don't sound anything like my biological parents - and senishin!? I never heard or that name before. The only logical answer is that I was reborn, but that's not even logical!

" take her. I want her out of my site. she is useless; the only thing she will be useful for is marriage to strengthen are alliances," I heard the faint voice of my 'father' speak. "let's just hope she is pretty enough," suddenly the door was slammed open once again, startling my sobbing mother. I was abruptly into another person's arm like I was a sack of potatoes.

I was carried somewhere, away from the lingering comforte of my mother. And set down on what seemed to be a bed. I still cant see anything. But guess it's because I am still a newborn child. Slowly, I was carried and set down on what seemed to be a bed I still can't see anything, but I guess It's because I am a child, I slowly my started to feel my Consciousness fade away as I started drafting to sleep.


Time skip 1 year

So, it has been a year. I've come to the conclusion that I have been reborn into another world where ninjas exist. After the fall of the samurai the new daimayō began to hire shinobi clans to fight against one another they fought over control over the new countries. And during this period of time, two of these clans came to the forefront; the Uchiha clan and Senju clan. They were unfortunately at war with each other.

Of course that's what I heard from some clan members and the gossiping maid's. As far as I know, are clan was not involved in the war.

Ok, know About my family I heard that I have three older sisters the two oldest were non-identical twins thy are three years old And the second oldest was two years old And I am the youngest.

And my mother from what I have heard and experienced, was so obsessed with pleasing my father to the point where it was unhealthy. she was a beautiful young-looking lady; but if only her personality would match her looks.....

And my father - well, he is an intelligent and good leader and is very stern. but he isn't the father of the year...

I hear that at first, he was happy to have daughters. Mainly to use them for marriage alliances. But after the doctors - or medics in this ara - told my parents that my mother wouldn't be able to bare more then one child know, father was furious. Despite his obvious sinking in good mood, they tried again and hoped for a miracle - but then I was born. A girl.

I haven't found out a lot about my clan. its similar to the one from my past life, but they don't use 'breathing styles' - instead, they have this thing called chakra.

In this world, there are no demons. Which I am forever grateful for. But for know, I need to concentrate on getting stronger and learn more about this strange world, chakra too, of course, and see if I still can use breathing styles.

The maid's were very amazed by my behaviour. I never cried unless I pooped. Even when I was born I had never cried. To say that they were surprised was an understatement. They were positively stunned by me.

At first they thought something was wrong with me - but over time they realized that I was a perfectly healthy baby.

Some baby pictures of Shinobu she is soooo cuteeee 😍

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Some baby pictures of Shinobu she is soooo cuteeee 😍

Ok first of all thank you all for reading just to start with I am so sorry if this was short or not good enough we just started writing this year , anyway there is a part where Shinobu was talking about the war and shinobi that part was from Google

Second of all I want to thank my friend chickeningkai for helping my she is also a writer she helped me so much with the story so I have to give her credit for it 😊❤

Three any pictures that we use are not ours they are from pinterest and credits to the owners we don't own demon slayer or naruto and Shinobu kocho also does not belong to us and the story cover does not belong to us .

If you have any questions please don't be afraid to ask we love Reading your comments but please don't be rude .

Again big thanks to chickeningkai for helping please go check out her story's and give her some love .

And this book is not written by one person but two people so please give darlingohayoxoxo some love she is the second author and she is helping with this book, so thank you darlingohayoxoxo for helping me really you are one of the best writers I had the pleasure of meeting ❤.

Authors: @smartasafly, darlingohayoxoxo.

People who have helped with this chapter: chickeningkai.

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