It's Never Too Soon

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Jace and Isabella run upstairs to talk to Alexander. Outside his door, they try to figure out how to approach him.

Jace: You know, it would be better to talk to him alone.

Isabella: Yeah. Sure. No problem. I'm going to pack my stuff now.

Jace: Hey, Beautiful! Don't take too much of your stuff. Just the essentials. If we need anything, we will just buy it.

Isabella: Jace, what you are doing for Alexander is great. I thank you for caring so much for him and for me as well.

Jace: You would do the same for me, Isabella.

Isabella: You can be sure of that!

With a kiss on Jace's cheek, Isabella runs to her room, ready to pack and leave the house. Jace enters the room without knocking and finds Alexander sitting on the windowsill looking up at the moon.

 Jace enters the room without knocking and finds Alexander sitting on the windowsill looking up at the moon

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Alexander: Don't you ever knock?

Jace: If I knocked, would you let me in?

Alexander: No.

Jace: That's why I did it.

Alexander jumps down and, without looking at Jace, lies down on his bed.

Alexander: What do you want, Jace?

Jace: I want to tell you what Isabella and I have decided to do.

Alexander: Not now! I am tired. I just want to sleep.

Jace: This can't wait. You have to be ready in the morning.

Alexander: Ready for what? For another round with my beloved mother? Thanks, but no thanks!

Jace: For our move.

Alexander quickly gets up from his bed and looks at Jace with widened eyes.

Alexander: Our what?

Jace: Are you deaf or something? Our move. Tomorrow morning, you and I and Isabella will move to a hotel until we find the perfect home for all three of us.


Matt lies exhausted on his bed. His eyes are heavy, but he can't sleep. He keeps reviewing the afternoon's events in his head, and for the first time in a long time, there is a bright smile on his lips. He looks at his nightstand, where the card with Alexander's name and number is waiting for him to do what he thinks is right. The clock on the wall shows that it's an hour past midnight.

Matt: Oh, what the hell! It's not too late.

He grabs the card along with his cell phone.

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