Chapter one

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"WAKE UP BRAT" John screamed at me

John is my father, he's very violent with me and hits me a lot but I still would run to him when she's around than I ever would run to her

By her I mean my 'mother' she's never been nice to me. I don't know why but she's always hated me no matter what I did, I could get the best grades and do all the house work, but she would still find something to get bad at me about

I get torn out of my thoughts as I feel a sharp slash on my stomach, I hurl over in pain as blood rushes to the wound. I look up to see John standing there with an angry look on his face

"I told you to get up" he spat with venom in his voice

He grabbed my arm and dragged me off my 'bed' that consisted of 2 dirty,smelly torn up rugs piled on each other with my backpack as a pillow and my baby blanket. I don't know where I got the blanket I just remember always having it.

John dragged me all the way downstairs and into the kitchen where he threw me to the ground and yell to make him breakfast and start cleaning like the nasty bitch I was.

I slowly stand up as he walks away, I grab the counter to help my balance. I was only allowed to eat once every two weeks, so I was extremely underweight and malnourished.

I start to make breakfast when she comes down, she walks into the kitchen and tells me to stop and go get dressed. I was going to question her when she yelled "NOW" so I decided not to and went up stairs as fast as I could

When I get upstairs and into my room I go to the closet and grab my only pair of jeans and a black t-shirt as well as my dirty Walmart sneakers.

As I'm changing my shirt I try and help the wound I received this morning. He had hit me with the whip like always. That was his favorite thing to hurt me with, other than beer bottle glass of course.

I grab a bandage from the first aid kit in the bathroom and put my shirt over it. Going downstairs slowly wondering where we were going I see them arguing.

"We should have never kept her!" John spat

"We follow the bosses orders and don't ask question" Elena spat back

"Get in the car"

I walk to the car as my mind is filled with thoughts. What did they mean? Keep me? Boss?

We start driving and within minutes we pull up to a high school, we walk into the office and they act so nice and caring but their mood snaps when they realize they can't leave me there for that school day.

I started asking a question but I felt John grab my arm harshly as if to tell me to shut up so I did.

"All right, she's all set to start tomorrow at 7:45, 15 mins early so she can be given a tour around the school' the lady behind the desk said

We got back into the car and drove back to the prison I know as home. I've always wondered why I got such horrible parents. If they didn't want me why did they keep me.

As we pull down the road u notice we drive right by the the house, I get a quick glance and notice that there was 4 all black SUVs with about 15 very buff guys. I then noticed they all had guns the were bigger than my torso.

"I can't do this anymore" John whisper yelled
"We gotta get rid of her and get them off our backs"

I felt the car come to a sudden and bumpy stop as I realize we ran glass over and have a flat tire. John gets out and looks at the tires and starts yelling.

Elena gets out and shouts at him to shut up but he doesn't and they start arguing. I stay in the backseat thinking about what would happen if I were to run right now, just get out and run. Would they catch me? Would they even care?

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