The Apartment

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"Hey Sam! How are you?" Foolish asked when he joined the call.

"Hey Foolish..."  Sam responded, smile prominent in his voice.

"Ohhh~ Sam! What's got you all lovey dovey man? I can practicaly hear your heart beating through the mic!" Foolish laughed as he spoke. Sam's face went red.

"I met the hottest emo chick at the cafe today. They were so-.. Aughhhh, I don't even know! Shit man..." Sam let his head fall and knock into the desk below him, sinking into his gaming chair as far as he could.

"Dude! You get their number? What's their name?" Foolish spewed out questions while laughing.

"Yeha dude, I dropped them off at their work and they gave me their number AND blew a kiss at me! I'm fucking- I'm a simp. I have stooped to being a fucking simp." Sam huffed, he cupped his hands around his ears and shook his head. He tried to fan the heat off his cheeks but it stuck, no matter what he did.

"Oh man, what's their name? I gotta know, tell me they told you!" Foolish pleaded, seemingly just as interested in them as Sam was.

"You won't believe this- Elswyth. Fuck- even their name had to be interesting?!" He spoke, blushing hard.

"Oh my god, you better shoot your shot or I might drive down there to come steal them from you." Foolish laughed at how giddy Sam was.

"Man, you better not. I got to go, I'm gonna see if they need a ride home..." He sighed.

"Do not, mess this up Sam, or I'll come and swipe them up~." Foolish cooed, stifling a laugh.

"Eh, good luck. They like green better anywa-" His words cut off as he was kicked from the call. He muttered under his breath and opened his DMs with Foolish, typing out a quick message.

Awesam at 11:52

Sam shut down his computer and pulled out his phone and the small piece of paper. He typed in the number and sent a message.

You need a ride home? 🍀
sent at 11:56 - read

If this is a muscular man with a bright green sports car, then... Yeah ;)
read - sent at 12:03

Aww, how did you guess??
What time u get off work?
sent at 12:05 - read

Intuition I guess ;) 4:35, but be here at 4:20 so I can leave early
:((( it's boring here
read - sent at 12:11

See you then :)) 🍀
sent at 12:12 - delivered

"Fuck..." He whimpered, his head making a thud when it his the back of his chair. What could he do to waste the time? He mulled over his options. He decided to make some actual food and then stream.

Around 15 minutes later, his food was done so he sat down, his stomach growled gluttonously while he ate. When he finished, he cleaned up and went to this setup to stream.

He finished saying bye to chat and ended the stream. He closed down his computer and straighter his back, sighing as he stretched. He checked the clock, 4:03 as it read. The drive was about 15 minutes, so he threw on a jacket and his shoes and ran to his car. He hopped in and pulled out of his driveway. He connected the radio to his phone and played a list of all his friends songs.

He pulled up on the side of the street by Elswyth's work. It was 4:17, so he texted them telling them that he was there. He waited a few minutes, then saw them running out the door and signaling for him to open the door. He leaned over the console and pushed the handle. Elswyth jumped in and closed the door after them.

"Go! Go, go go!" They whispered, ushering one of their hands towards him, while the other buckled them in. Sam sped out of the parking spot and started down the road.

"Jesus, I fucking hate that place." They sighed, letting their head fall back on the seat.

"Why keep working there then?" Sam asked, quirking a eyebrow.

"Well, they're the only publishers in town and, of course, I just had to be a english major." They grimisced, pointing out a turn. Suddenly, their face lightened, head shooting up fast. Sam hummed quizzicaly, but waited for them to say something.

"What's this song?" They questioned, looking at him.

"It's called Saline Solution, it's by one of my friends." He answered, following the pointed finger.

"Oh wow, I love it. What's their name?" They said, silently telling him another turn.

"Wilbur Soot." Sam said shortly, nodding and twisting the wheel. Elswyth pulled their phone out and opened Spotify, adding the song to their liked playlist.

"Hey, are you busy tonight?" Sam asked quietly, smiling.

"Why? Wanna take me out?" They teased. Sam went red and started shaking the heat out of his face.

"Just answer." He asked, saltiness in his voice clearly fake. Elswyth rolled their eyes

"Yes, I'm free dumbass." They laughed, pointing out another turn for Sam to follow. Sam was about to open his mouth but they cut him off.

"How about we go to my place, we could order pizza?" They suggested, smiling at him.

"That works for me." He smiled back.

"Just pull into here." They pointed to a parking garage. "My number is 249. Second level." Sam followed their directions, pulling into the numbered space that Elswyth specified. He shut off the car and hopped out, running over to the other side and opening Elswyth's door before they could themselves.

"Aww, thanks." They said, tone sickly sweet, but their face was dead flat.

"Oh well, of course." Sam said, smiling with a flat tone. Sam closed the door behind the other and followed them to the elevator. Elswyth pushed the button and waited impatiently for the door to open. They walked into it and pushed the button for level 1.

"My apartments don't have parking, isn't that lovely?" They remarked, voice filled with sarcasm. Sam just laughed and nodded. The elevator dinged and the doors flew open. They moved past the old couple of the other side and walked to the side walk. Elswyth stopped and took Sam's hand in their hand. Before he could react, they ran across the street and pulled him behind them. A car wizzed behind them as they hit the concrete in the opposite side of the parking garage.

"What the hell?!" Sam exclamed, but they just laughed, ushering him to their apartment door. They opened it and walked Sam in.

Hiii! Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Love you all⭐️❣💖

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Hiii! Hope u enjoyed this chapter! Love you all⭐️❣💖

1111 words
Finished 3/28/22

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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