*3 hours later*
6:33 amUnknown:
Seen 6:35 amUnknown:
Why are u leaving me on seen:(Me:
Umm... maybe cuz I don't know youMe:
For all I know your a 60 year old
man living in his moms basementUnknown:
First of all... ouchUnknown:
Secondly no I'm not a 60 year old manMe:
sure dude whatever you sayMe:
Anyways why are you texting me again
I thought we established I'm not
the Christopher dudeUnknown:
Oh I was just bored:)Me:
So you woke me up at 6 am cuz
your bored💀
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Oops sorry didn't know
you were that sensitive😒Unknown:
Anyways wanna be friends:)Me:
sry I don't befriend crusty
60 year old men:)Unknown:
I told you already I'm not a
60 year old manUnknown:
I'm a perfectly handsome 21 year old💪🏼You changed unknowns name to 60 year old man
60 year old man:
Come on not necessaryMe:
Yep it is;)60 year old man:
So back to my questionMe:
Sure ig60 year old man:
Well In that case my names SungjiMe:
I'm Nari60 year old man:
That's a really female nameMe:
Yeah Maybe cuz I am a femaleMe:
Anyways I'm 18 turning 19 in a month60 year old man:
ohhh so ur a babyyyyMe:
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Dam how many skz memes
do you haveMe:
You don't wanna know🫣60 year old man:
Do you have a biasMe:
Han, he's literally so perfect
I love him so much
He works so hard for us stay
we need to protect him with our lives60 year old man:
oh I didn't know you felt that wayMe:
Do you have a bias60 year old man:
his visuals*chefs kiss*60 year old man:
Bias wrecker lowkey Lee know he's
just so cute like a little bunnyMe:
Awww ikr60 year old man:
Sorry gtg to pratice ttylMe:
Practice?60 year old man:
Oh uh I do danceMe:
Oh that's so coolMe:
Anyways bye60 year old man:
Seen 6:55 am~~~
New chapter:)Who is your bias?
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wrong number ♡Han Jisung♡
FanfictionUnknown: hey hyung did u eat my cheesecake again Me: Umm I think you have the wrong number ~~~ Han Jisung texts the wrong number thinking it's his group member chan. What happens when he discovers it's not chan but a girl named Nari. Will they con...