hey hyung did u eat my cheesecake again
Umm I think you have the wrong number
Han Jisung texts the wrong number thinking it's his group member chan. What happens when he discovers it's not chan but a girl named Nari. Will they con...
I found myself alone on the rooftop again. Letting the wind gracefully fly through my hair.
It's been a week since I lost contact with Nari.
I haven't been sleeping well, I'm not having as much fun with my members anymore, I feel like I'm not putting in enough effort at practice.
My members have been trying to cheer me up. But lately I just don't care.
All I want Is to talk to Nari, she was like my escape from the challenges of being an idol. She was just a regular person, I didn't have to put up an act for her I could just be myself.
I would break the rules in a heartbeat just to text her but jyp away my phone for "Awhile" . Like I am 21 I don't need my phone taken away from me I can take care of myself.
I asked my member multiple times to use there phones but they just brush it off and say it's for my own good.
They wouldn't understand, it's not like they have a best friend that they will never talk too again. I really hope that that is not the case though I hope I can talk to her again once jyp gives me my freakin phone back.
My thoughts are interrupted by the creaking of the roof door.
I turn to see chan
"I thought I would find you up here" he giggled
Once he released I wasn't in the mood for fun and games he sighed and took a seat in the hard cold concrete beside me.
"What's wrong" he asked
I sarcastically laughed at what he asked "come on chan you know whats up"
He sighed again "is it Nari again"
I mumbled a small "mhm" in return
There was silence for a second. Just listen to the birds fly by and honking of cars from bellow was all you could hear before chan continued with what he was saying.
"Come on you can't keep mopping around just because you can't talk to your friend anymore"
"But chan you don't get it, I trusted her I grew attached to her, I made a promise to myself that I would protect her. It sounds cringy but I really need her" I sighed before continuing what I was saying "I wonder how betrayed she feels by me, chan I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. She probably thinks I don't care about her at all"
Chan just sat there occasionally nodding proving he's Actually listening to what in saying. Once I finished my somewhat rant he opened his mouth to speak.
"Jisung, it's not your fault at all. I bet she still cares for you. If anything she doesn't hate you she's just probably worried about you"
"But chan that's still bad. I left her without a goodbye, an explanation, not a single word. And now she probably thinks I abandoned her or died"
"Chan she has no other friends, I was her only friend and now she has nobody. I know that she is not as strong as she advertises, so I have no clue what she will think of me, what if she blames herself chan" I studdered "c-chan what if she takes it the wrong way"
next thing I know I'm wrapped in a hug, chan is hugging me rubbing my back lightly
"Jisung its gunna a be ok, she won't do anything. She's safe you don't have to worry so much" chan said trying to reassure me.
We just sat in a comfortable silence listening to the passing cars, absolutely nothing spoken yet that was ok.
I was at my lowest rate now. It just frustrated me how she was so close yet so far.
"Ok let's head down the boys are probably wondering where we are" I nodded and started to get up.
We went back down to the boys.
She was still on my mind.
She's always gunna be on my mind
~~~ A/N Sry I couldn't update the last 2 days I was busy:)
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