Little doe

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What you're wearing

What you're wearing

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September 26th

          The first few weeks were nothing but pain and torture as my body reacted to the change. To death. But as the years passed things got easier, everything but the guilt.

          The thirst was unbearable but Jasper insisted it would go away once we found someone to sink our teeth into. The thought repulsed yet delighted me. I wanted nothing more than to feel the cool blood slowly drip down my throat but I always felt the need to cry afterwards. And I did.
          Every time I killed....every time I let the monster inside me take over I'd cry over the body. Jasper was always by my side, rubbing my back in comfort, soothing words falling over me like a warm blanket. He talked of a salvation, of a new world for us. A family.

          "Jasper, please. I don't think I can keep going." I pleaded as I collapsed into the dirt, my dress now dirty. The thought made me sad. Out of all the eras I've lived through so far, I've gotta say the 50s fashion isn't exactly my favourite.
          "I know, my little doe. But I promise, not much farther. I think they're leading us to them." He assured, crouching down in front of me. His red eyes were always soft, holding so much behind them I couldn't quite understand. "These people will help us, we just need to find them."

          "Why did you save me?" My sudden question sent Jasper back a little, confusion covering his face. Jasper was my angel, sent to save me from the horrors that tried to take me before I was ready...but I never knew why. Why he had helped me that morning. He explained everything about Maria, her army and the awful things she made him do.
          "Awe, y/n. When I saw Maria on top of you, draining the life from you I felt nothing but hatred towards the woman I thought I loved for so long." He smiled down at me, an open palm stroking my head. "You're have a lot to live for. I don't really know if you can call what we are living but at least you're here. With me. You're as delicate as a flower. As innocent as a doe and as precious as life itself. And I promise for the rest of my days,  I'll do nothing but protect you."

          "Jasper, I~" my words were quickly cut off as a scent flew through my nose and the picture of a beautiful woman, holding the hand of a tall man appeared in my mind. The woman was holding the hand of a small child, a smile on her face. They moved in slow motion as they blinked at me, looks of admiration on their faces.
          "Y/n? Y/n? What is it?" Jasper asked, shaking me out of whatever place I had been sucked into.
"Someone's coming."

          My statement sent jasper to his feet as a branch broke in the distance. A woman, the woman from my "vision" stood. There were two men on her right, a blond woman on her left who was standing next to a large man. Slightly behind the girl, the man from my "vision" could be seen, slightly cowering behind the rest.

          "I told you I saw them." The woman spoke. She had shoulder length hair, skin, pale and flawless. She was like us. They all were. But they all held a strange detail. Their eyes, not red as blood, a sapphire in water, no. Their eyes were as gold as the sun.
          "You're the Cullens, aren't you." Jasper asked as he held out his hand to me. He wasn't looking at them as he asked the question, only me.

          "Yes. Yes we are." A man spoke. He looked older than the others but his skin still held no detail. As perfect as freshly fallen snow on a plane of land. "We've heard from friends that you've been looking for us."
          "Yes. We want to live like you. We....we want another chance, sir." Jasper pleaded. I've noticed over the years that jasper voice holds so much emotion.

          "She looks young, real young." The blond woman pointed out, starring directly at me. I gulped town my slight fear and looked towards the others, they were all looking at me now. My nerves slowly slipped away. I knew it was jasper, his power helping me calm.
          "How old are you?" The "older" man asked me, a small, reassuring smile on his face.

          "103 , sir." I answered, my voice quiet. "I was turned 2 days before my 17th birthday."
          "And you?" The man asked, turning his attention towards jasper.

          "107. And I was turned at the age of 19." Jasper gulped, his jaw clenching at the thought of his change. He was convinced for so long Maria loved him, convinced her doings were right. He never knew things would've turned out the way they did, his scars reminding him of that bitter sweet time in his life.

          "The change is hard. The step between our world and out of yours. It's a long, painful transition going from human to animal blood. I'm not going to lie to you and tell you it's easy, and I'll be honest when I say we don't allow mistakes, slip ups. But if you're both committed and willing to go through the change....I can except you into our family."

          Jasper quickly turned towards me, a worried look on his face. He grasped my hand in his, his large palms covering mine completely.

          "You up for this, little doe?" He asked. When jasper spoke to me like this I felt all my tension and worry slip away in the wind like an autumn leaf, waiting to hit the ground.
          "I'm scared, jazz." I admitted. We don't know these people and jasper and I had been fine living on our own. Best friends forever bound by the promise of immortality. A curse?

          "I know. I am too. But this may be our only chance at living normally as we can at least." He explained, a hopeful look in his eyes. I knew if I told jazz no, I didn't wanna do this and I was too afraid he'd immediately take my hand and bid the Cullens fair well. I was tempted, boy was I tempted. So much in fact I could practically taste it on my tongue.

          "Promise to be by my side forever? You and I?" I inquired, wide eyed looking into his precious ruby red ones.
          "I promise, little doe."
           "Than let's do this."

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