Hi devon I'm Y/N

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I went into the gas station to get some snacks and fill up on gas of course and then I saw this woman burst in with her daughter

"DO YOU THINK ITS FUNNY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF MY DAUGHTER?!" She crossed her arms as the guy behind the register looked confused as fuck "huh?..w-what?." then the lady slammed her hands on the counter "SEE THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DON'T PUT ON SUN SCREEN AND DO DRUGS ALL DAY-"

The lady continued to yell at him then she slammed papers on the counter "YOU'VE LOST A LOYAL CUSTOMER TODAY-" she walked out with her daughter holding her hand

Everyone left after that girl called 'mei' and her mom left I went up to the cashier "what the hell was that all about?..."

The cashier named Devon shrugged, ya know he was kinda cute he looked tired then my phone rang my ring tone was 'nobody like you' by 4town Devon kinda jumped when he heard my ringtone "oh sorry I don't really keep my phone on silent cause I got a kid at home- and the babysitter and stuff" I smiled nervously

Devon looked at me and smiled a bit and let out a small chuckle "oh don't worry about it I just like 4town that's all, you have a kid? You look a little young to be a mom-" he smile nervously "oh yeah I'm 17 I have a 1 year old son named Jay" I smiled a bit then me and him started talking some more

We exchanged our numbers

He texted me for the rest the night and he was pretty cool smoked way too much weed but he was cool and funny


Hey y/n wanna hang out? I'll make dinner at my place you can bring your kid and we can watch movies

That sounds cool Devon why not! I'll swing by around 5💕 ttyl

{~Devon's place~}

I was at Devon's apartment he opened the door and he looked sweaty "what the hell were you doing?" I laughed then I smelt the smoke he burned the mf food...

I put jay down to watch some TV and I helped him finish dinner but it wasn't any better so I just ordered pizza and then Jay fell asleep I was cuddled up in Devon's arms it's not my fault this mf likes to keep his house cold as hell then I fell asleep

{~Devon's POV~}

She was sleeping in my arms she looked so cute I smiled a bit and kissed her head and took a picture of us together and sent it to her on snap and then turned off the tv and fell asleep with her

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