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Me and Devon were excited to be parents but the thing was my parents were strict and religious the don't even know Devon exists "Devon we have to tell my parents but their gonna be super pissed" Devon's eyes widened "I-I don't know babe Im not good with peoples parents" i cupped his face "don't worry it's only my dad you have to worry about-"


I opened the door for my parents "hi mom hi dad-..." my dad didn't like me being too excited around it he considered it annoying so I was really quiet around him then Devon came up behind us "hello Mrs L/N wassup Mr. L/N" I elbowed Devon in the stomach and gave him a look "I-I mean how are you Mr. L/N" he chuckled nervously my mother smiled a bit "you must be Y/N's boyfriend I've heard so little about" she said while having a fake plastered smile on her face my dad wasn't pleased at all

{~at the table~}

I made lasagna my mom looked at it and sighed and she looked at it "lasagna? Howww-" I rolled my eyes and then she stopped her sentence seeing how annoyed I was we all ate then my dad sighed "why are we really here? What's going on cause last time we talked you said 'I never wanna see you again I hate you and mom' and then you stormed out leaving your mom heart broken! So whatever it is-" I quickly stood up and slammed my hands on the table "I'm pregnant-" my mother sat there mouth gaping wide and my dad sat there silently  he was pissed and then looked at me "like you told us once DONT come looking for us-" he got up and left and your mother left behind him

I started to cry Devon held me close and reassured me that everything was going to be okay and my parents are just over protective and that we could do everything without them and I didn't need their support when I had his...

A/N: HEYOOOO I've been having writers block like crazy so I'm sorry you guys😭😭I'll try to update more

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