Dev 💕

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{~your POV~}
I woke up and Devon was knocked out cold I smiled a bit and kissed his cheek then my eyes widened and I thought to myself 'I can't get too attached I just met the dude..besides I can't risk getting pregnant again ya know..'

{~Devon's POV~}

I woke up and saw her big eyes looking at me I smiled a bit and then laid all the way back on the couch and cuddled her going back to sleep I put my hand on her ass I heard a gasp from her I was about to move it until she just laid her head on my chest we slept most of the day until we heard the baby cry then we fed him and hung out with him

And then the most unpredictable thing just happened little Jay called me dad Y/N  looked absolutely shocked but I wouldn't blame her "no no no (WE DONT TALK ABOUT BRUNOOOO BUT-) I'm not your daddy I'm Devon but you can call me dev!"

Little jay looked so confused "daddy devvvvv!!" He giggled then I face palmed

{~Y/N's POV~}

I was surprised that jay said that because he can barely get the word mama out I went next to him and got on my knees "baby that's not dada that's dev" I smiled a bit kinda looking worried "dev dev!!" Little jay shouted I sighed with relief I kissed jays head then Devon's "well now we definitely know he likes you...I'll work on breakfast for you and jay okay?" I smiled then Devon nodded

{~after breakfast~}

"Thanks for having me over dev and thanks for tuckering out the kid" I giggled then Devon gave me a warm tired smile "no problem y/n" something about his smile and his eyes it drew me in

{~Devon's pov~}

Something about her small giggle and her joyfulness pulled me in I closed my eyes when she closed hers

{~3rd person pov~}

Devon slowly wrapped his hands around Y/N's waist and she put her hands around his neck and she kissed him deeply and he kissed her deeply thank god the baby was sleep she pulled away panting and smiling and devon was panting he was blushing brightly from embarrassment

{~Y/N's POV~}

I was out of breath I felt flustered I smiled a bit at Devon he slowly looked back at me and smiled then put my hair behind my ear "thanks Dev...I'll see you soon.." and then I left without him saying a word I went in my car still sitting there shocked I never thought I would end up hanging out with someone I barely knew then I went on my phone then I saw the picture of me sleeping and Devon cuddling me I smiled a bit and saved it and kept it as my wall paper on my phone

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