Time has flown

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Y/N wasn't answering my text or phone calls or anything like that then I called her number but it went straight to voicemail I was panicking but I decided maybe she wanted a break from me? But she'd text me a long ass paragraph if she wanted to like always-

I decided to check on her I went to knock on her door but I saw that the door was cracked which made me worry more opened the front door a bunch of critters and rodents ran out the door I turned quickly wanting to vomit it smelt horrible in her house I heard crying "Y/N? Little jay?!" I ran to Y/N's room i saw her curled up crying her eyes out "Y/N?.. what's wrong what happened where's little jay?..

When I mentioned him she seemed to cry harder I held my arms out and she immediately held onto me she was sitting in the dark she had eviction notices in her mail and on her kitchen and table "baby?.. what happened?.." she looked at me tears in her eyes "he's gone...my baby is gone" she held onto me tighter sobbing harder "what happened to him N/N" she hyperventilated a bit before she could get words out "I was mad at you couple weeks ago and I sped off and we had a green light we continued driving but then stoplights wee malfunctioning and flickering and a car hit us...Jay is gone.." She started sobbing

My heart shattered yeah jay wasn't my kid but I loved him like he was my son I held her close and cried with her eventually we did stop crying and then we called her land lord and talked to them and told them what happened and let us have time to pay rent and stuff and put Y/N Back on her feet and I introduced Y/N to butler he helped her out a lot

Eventually me and Y/N's relationship got serious and we moved in together into her place she was happy

{~Christmas Y/N's POV~}

I woke up feeling happy and energetic "DEVONNNN GET UP ITS TIME TO OPEN PRESENTS FROM SANTAAAA!!" I yelled Devon couldn't stop laughing and I smiled and dragged him into the living room I opened a bunch of presents from Devon and then I got him 3 presents

One was a 4 town shirt the other was tickets to 4 town he was excited then when he opened the 3rd one he teared up like a baby it was a baby onesie that said 'can't wait to be a Libra' Devon smiled and then hugged me tightly I hugged him back and smiled then he kissed me deeply and I kissed back

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