076. "i don't wanna paint this town alone"

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21:12 ─❁────────── 21:79

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One man, one woman

Two friends and two true lovers


          THE SCHOOL TERM HAD JUST started, and Lucia already felt dread settling in her as she sat in the hall, eating breakfast alone.

She shoved cereal into her mouth, while simultaneously scribbling words onto her parchment, looking around the somewhat empty hall dejectedly. She felt empty, as if not satisfied by the fact that she was alone currently. It wasn't as though she hadn't done things like this before either, but she guessed being in the presence of others had made her grown accustomed to them...

She tried not to think much of it, stirring her bowl of cereal and milk soundly as she began to read through what she had written.

Dear Hugo and hopefully, Leon too,

          It's the start of the school term, and I am sorry I could not see you off, but I really hope you and Leon will do well for your A-levels! I believe in you both! I just got my O.W.L.s results and I think my results were pretty okay, nine passing grades and a fail in an irrelevant subject!

          I've been doing well, you know? And My back has not been killing me ever since I left, as I've been taking it easy these days. I guess I have to thank you for that? Since you were the one that told Harry to come and get me... I don't even know what I would have done if it weren't you... Tell me, has things died down since I left? Are they okay, content, or anything?

        Please write to me back. I really wanna know how Mother and Father feels right now, not to mention the others. I also want to know how you feel and if you're doing great.

Your little sister,

She smiled in contentment, before blew a whistle and a soft sound of a squeak reached her ears; from the entrance of the Great Hall, a small figure — a ferret — began scrambling to her, and when he arrived, he scrambled up to the chair beside her.

Lucia gently caressed his fur lovingly, "Now, Bao Bao, you know what to do," she said, letting the ferret nip on the folded letter. "Go to the Owlery and try not to make an enemy out of the owls like you did last year... and when you're done, come back to me."

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now